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Raising Enemy Level On Low Level Planets Upto Highest Planet Levels Using This Mode


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A mode for those whom have defeated all bosses in the game. This mode would raise the level of enemies to that of the highest level of enemies on a planetary alert or level 50 and it would do this for ALL planets.


Ever want to go to a planet with a new tileset only to find out the levels are low and the planet is therefore boring. Why not raise up enemy levels of that planet to 40-50 by choice. Every online game with level progression suffers from players being too high for low level content to be able to have any challenge or fun doing them leading to being stuck only finding fun on high end content.


So I propose that a Hardcore Mode be created for those that wish to fight 40-50 level enemies on low level planets.


Rare mods should drop at a higher rate in these missions(maybe).


Maybe a Legendary Mode for level 100+ enemies and perhaps an Insane Mode for level 500+(or 200+) enemies.


And don't even try using defense and survival as an excuse, them slow modes won't work here and ain't nobody got time for that. Form a party? Ain't nobody got time for that either. Keyword: Fastpace. Sitting in the lobby waiting 15+ minutes to form a 30min or hour long survival ain't fast paced. Same goes for any new endless mode. No one should have to wait to face the enemy level he desires on a low level planet doing the same mode over and over unable to do do anything else including stealth.


This is all for giving Tenno a good fight on the planets Earth, Phobos, Jupiter as well as future planets with new tilesets and brand new missions. Why face level 5 enemies on new tilesets when you can face level 40-50 enemies on new tilesets, enjoy the view and the bloodshed altogether and the new modes specific to each planet(Especially that).


it's a shame that you can only fight the highest level enemies on year old tilesets that rarely get modified.


And this can be combined with Nightmare mode as well on low level planets.


These modes can always alter the enemy numbers as well(maybe).

Edited by SirAuron
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I feel like something has been implemented on the lower level planets that actually does this. I joined a venus survival and the enemies were already level 30 before the first 5 minutes. I was trying to level up some low-level weapons, so I was a little surprised. it's possible it threw me into a nightmare lobby, though, even though I opted for normal. but it also happened against vor. but that might be programmed if you fight him multiple times. he and his cronies are suddenly boosted to level 30+, meanwhile the enemies in the rest of the level are around level 2


but this would be pretty cool, I think similar ideas have been throw around about being able to start a mission where the enemies are already high-leveled, rather than having to wait for half an hour of survival for them to approach that level


the issue with opting to raise the enemy levels is similar to that nightmare mission I may have found myself in. other people might not be in that lobby, but you guys might join up anyway. if DE can keep hardmode and regular mission lobbies separate, that would be great. and being able to play any planet I want with enemies between level 40 and 50 would be nice, I suppose. it would mean I can farm mercury or venus and instead of getting stuck with rank 1 uncommon cores, I'd get normal, rank 5 uncommon cores. so that's a plus (though rank 1 cores do have their use. they're just kinda ugly)


and if people start asking "what's the benefit of running mercury with level 40 enemies rather than level 1 enemies?" it's the affinity. it's no nightmare mode (legendary mode might deserve some extra reward. but nothing huge), but it means you can farm any planet you want for resources, and actually get some decent affinity out of it


but honestly, if you really want to fight higher level enemies on cool new tilesets, just check out defense or survival. or just explore the tilesets with low level enemies, and just shrug off the enemies as you take your time to look around

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here just make keys for this:



and then seed missions on planets for these:



Both contain elements that would seek to challenge the skill level of new players and veterans. The latter focuses more on tactics and quick-thinking, while the former draws upon the primordial forces that drive the luck of the black irish.



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here just make keys for this:



and then seed missions on planets for these:



Both contain elements that would seek to challenge the skill level of new players and veterans. The latter focuses more on tactics and quick-thinking, while the former draws upon the primordial forces that drive the luck of the black irish.



After beating all monstrosities and both armies that tried to conquer solar system tenno must face their greatest enemy, random chance to get new gear.


It would sound funny if it wasnt our actual reality T_T

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But are they level 50?

They might be, larger lvls is one of mutators.


Still triple dmg on enemies hurts way more.


As for idea itself why not just make missions scale with gear instead of making new mode, this was proposed already

Edited by Davoodoo
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100% support for this!


Unless there is some INCENTIVE to do harder missions, this will be useless.



My incentive to do this mode would be to have fun, you know? 

Fun, the thing why you play this games... the thing that you don´t get by farming low levle missions over and over again...

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Unless there is some INCENTIVE to do harder missions, this will be useless.


But we all know DE is pretty bad as scaling rewards according to difficulty.

SO what do you get on Pluto for doing those missions? Same crap? What's the difference?

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SO what do you get on Pluto for doing those missions? Same crap? What's the difference?


Same crap.


At least, the nightmare alerts grant around 25000 credits on the last planets.

Edited by Hyunsai
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I hope end game, and badlands cover some of these problems, higher enemy difficulty, easier obtainable rare mods and drops etc.


Cause the game does have to compensate for progression of the player.

Badlands being only place where rare mods drop at reasonable rate still wont fix problem with new players lacking them, unless de actually thinks that we will carry new players through end game. While its not much problem for veterans i cant imagine someone being happy while being carried doing nothing just to be able to play the game without spending money or being lucky.

Edited by Davoodoo
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