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Dynamic Powers A La Diablo 3


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Warframes need more depth and more uniqueness. Currently, you get one skill set and that is shared by every other Warframe. It would make for much more interesting and dynamic play and combos if there were multiple mutations of each ability that alter the usage or mechanic. Similar to Diablo 3.


I imagine them being called Mutagens or something similar. One mutation can be applied at a time and they can be changed by dumping nano spores on the mod. (because who doesn't have too many nano spores?). Each different Mutation would be unlocked depending on the level of the ability, or level of the frame, or Mastery level. Or all 3. (I don't want to dilute the drop tables any more than they already are)


For starters there could just be 4 mutations to the first ability of each frame. That way players can be eased in to the system and DE doesn't have to make 16 new mutations per frame right off the bat.


I'll use excal as an example:

(1) Slash dash

     (A) Instant travel

     (B) Dash to a single targeted enemy and do massive damage

     © Create a hologram of your frame that distracts the enemies at the starting point of slash dash

     (D) Instead of dashing, shoot a laser than passes through and damages all enemies in the line you would have                    dashed through


Not necessarily in that order or those abilities. I just wanted to suggest an idea to make the frames feel more unique and dynamic.

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