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Loki Build



Okay so recently I've found myself bored with warframe and I want to revisit the fun the game was when I started playing as loki in the beginning. I want to use all of loki's powers including switch teleport so I was wondering waht builds are suggested and what play styles accompany them. Also when I played I noticed loki is squishy so is there a need for redirection or vitality and if so maxed or not? Anyway I have more than enough forma for 5 different warframes so that isn't a problem. I want a maxed build that allows the use of all abilities.

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As you can see in the above picture, shield mods are for chumps.


As long as you stay mobile, keep disarming and never stop, you will never go down unless some accident happens, or you begin to mess around. Shield Flux is in there so you literally can keep running without ever stopping, as long as your sentinel has Guardian equipped. All four abilities are useful, of course, so none should be taken out. Yes, Switch Teleport is useful. Use it on heavies to disorientate them when they focus on you, and take them down afterwards. Use it to get into the middle of a group and disarm. Use it to troll your friends (lol). Use it to skip large gaps. Use it to bug through the Void loot rooms, etc.


Overextended and Stretch are slapped in for the massive bonus to your Radial Disarm - this is what your build is all about. Just use Disarm whenever you want, and let the enemies come to you. You'll negate all ranged damage, stun enemies for ~1 second and find lots of amusement in seeing them try to attack you with cattle prods. The -power strength doesn't hurt you one bit.


You use Streamline, along with the Essence helmet, to be able to spam your abilities without the need of Flow; Rush is a no-brainer. You're a Loki, and your suvivability relies on you going fast.


Continuity is there just to allow your invisibility to last a tad longer, allowing you to mow down enemies with your +400% melee damage. To be frank, spamming Invisibility 24/7 is no different than spamming Rhino Stomp or Molecular Prime - only, you're doing it slower. Hence, in this build, Invisibility isn't its focus. You use Invisibility when in a pinch, allowing you to regenerate your shields, revive a downed team mate or just avoid that pesky Napalm. Remember, your agility - not Invisibility - is the key to victory here.


All this is done without a single Forma. I hope you enjoy it.

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