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Rough Summation Of Devstream 25


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Hail, Tenno!


Runehawk here, with a very quick summary on the latest stream for those that may not have had the chance to view it. If I make an error or misinterpretation anywhere, correct me by all means. Please also keep in mind that I did miss out on the last few minutes, so I may be missing some information. If so, feel free to provide what you are able to. 




EDIT: BuildMyPaperHeart has provided a much more detailed summary on the reddit subforum: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/210q1f/livestream_25_recap_and_discussion/


While you go over that, I'll quietly sit here, my face glowing red with shame whilst avoiding eye contact with all of you.




- Update 13: The Sword Alone. Bundled with Melee 2.0 and other goodies. Release date not confirmed, though it's a possibility that the first Wednesday of April will be our doomsday. No promises though. 


- An opening cinematic was played. Excalibur was shown with a scabbard attached to his waist. The words "Update 13: The Sword Alone" were displayed on screen, and Excalibur sliced at them with his unsheathed katana. (Thanks to SJunior for reminding me!)


- "New 'stance' mods for your melee weapons. As an example given, the 'Iron Phoenix' stance mod for your longsword would have slower, stronger attacks that constantly stagger enemies, with tons of bleeding procs being invoked. The other longsword stance uses faster attacks with lots of puncture process and some staggering in it." ~User Kamal965 (Thanks!)


- Three more melee animation-combos shown. One for the Bo staff, another for a pair of daggers, and one more that showcased the Scindo.


- More game modes coming, and old ones will be revisited. First up is the Rescue mission type overhaul. The existing feature of giving the hostages your secondary is just one of the new aspects. The new reworked mode will actually requires stealth. Take care not to set of the alarms, or else the "target gets executed."


- Possible Tier 4 Keys? Oh my.


- Valkyr won't be specifically overhauled by Melee 2.0, but she's definitely a candidate for revisiting afterwards. 


- Generic ability mods "coming". 


- The reason for keeping Warframe Ability mods in the enemy drop tables was because some players would want different ranks of their abilities for different loadouts and styles. Still not concrete; there's a fair chance of them being removed from the drop tables entirely. 


- "Pretty cool lore coming next week." ~Sheldon. As a side note, the Grineer Queens will make their appearance in Vor's Prize. Unknown if next week's addition will touch on this particular segment of lore, but we shall find out. 


- Next Warframe: Water-based. 


- Lot more work regarding the Badlands. To reiterate a bit: Clans will be able to build towers and stake their claim on certain nodes by building Solar Rails to them. Other Clans can wage war to destroy the tower, and the entire playerbase can choose to take sides in the conflict. Also a neat little addition: Clans will be able to set custom messages to send out to the Tenno that side with them, and those that side against. Presumably in a similar style to the existing Lotus/Boss transmissions during a mission. 


- Alliances can be formed by smaller Clans to fight the larger Clans (still referring to the Badlands here). Alliance limit will be based on total population, so multiple Moon Clans can't join forces and dominate the entire system or anything. 


- Quest system coming. Possible ties with the Proxy Wars. Clans can gain favour with a faction and perhaps even get them to fight for you (Summon the G3?!?!?!?!?!?/?//!!!!!one!!!???). 


- Regarding alt helmets: All new helmets will no longer have stats. Existing helmets that have stats will be retired. If you already own them, then you get to keep 'em for now (Congratulations, beta player!). They will be reissued later with the same visuals, but statless. Players that owned stat-helmets will be given blueprints for those helmets. These will allow a player to remove the stats from them if they so choose. 


- You won't be able to have a Sentinel and a Kubrow fighting for you at the same time. The Sentinel slot will probably be renamed to a sort of "pet/sidekick" slot, where you can choose to utilize one companion's services at a time. 


- 24 HOUR CATALYST ALERT is on now! 





And that's all I've got. Once again, please correct me should I have made an error. Take care, Tenno!



Edited by Runehawk
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Thank you kindly, Runehawk.


These are all good news for me. I like the idea of clan alliances being limited by population, gives me hope my single-man clan will still be able to participate in some way.

Also Sentinels/Pets being considered equal. For a moment I was afraid sentinels would be retired completely.

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Thank you kindly, Runehawk.


These are all good news for me. I like the idea of clan alliances being limited by population, gives me hope my single-man clan will still be able to participate in some way.

Also Sentinels/Pets being considered equal. For a moment I was afraid sentinels would be retired completely.


My pleasure. ^^ 


I too, am intrigued by what was said about the alliance system. I'd very much like to see a team of Ghost squadrons band together to usurp a Moon Clan from its estate. 


I'm sure we'd all be outraged if Mr.Carrier et al were to be removed entirely. Although since they're staying, these Llama-Dogs better be equipped with the incentives for us to consider using them over our beloved Sentinels. 

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Whoa, Thanks kindly Runehawk! (And Welcome to the Clan again. Hehe.)


Was afraid I'd have to type one up again, Recap wise. But this a bunch better then my last recap thread. :P


And about the Sentinels.. I was hoping they would both be separate entities that you'd both have them on the field. As, Sentinels and Kubrow seem pretty different. Eg Sentis are more support, Floating on your shoulder. Kubrows seem to be able to run, And be more mobile. And with it's size he can't just stick to you like a sentinel, Being he'd roam more. Not very similar. Being the reason to keep a slot for both floaty senti, And ground Kubrow. Buut, I suppose that'd make for one too many pets around you. Heh.


Also U13 Can't come quicker apparently. So much want. Unfortunately that means Melee 2.0 isn't next week.. But, I s'pose that was expected. (Cry.)


And oh lord T4 Keys.. That, I'm not entirely sure how to feel about that. Could be good, Could be nope. But we'll see.


Waterframe? Yuuus.


Lore, In my Warframe? Psh. No less next week!? Hmm... I'm highly curious now. Hopefully it'll be something good and big.


Also them neutral ability mods. I can't wait to see what they'll be. That, That sounds really good.



Edit: Also, I started watching the Devstream on Twitch, And it may be worthwhile to add that in the beginning cinematic, With Excalibur and the words "U13 The Sword Alone" Excal was using a Katana And Sheath around his waist. And pulled it out of the sheath to slice at the screen.Then the Devs actually point out the Scabbard and Unsheathing. New Melee Model/Weapon set Confirmed, I guess? Hehe.


Also Vor's Prize will reveal the Queens. (Whenever that comes out. :P "We're working on it!" They say.)

Edited by SJunior
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Water frame? RIP frame rate.


Too true. Also, Isn't Frost technically a water frame already?


Anyway, sounds pretty cool, I'll probably watch the devstream myself later, but thanks for the summary in the meantime (darn classes always make me miss it).

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@Everyone: Given all the positive feedback, I will most likely be making these Devstream summations an on-going thing. I'll do my best to include screencaps from next stream onward, as well. \o/



@SJunior: My thanks go to you as well, commander. ^^ I will be online later tonight to tour the Dojo in all its splendour. 


There was a part of me that was hoping for Dual Pet Action, but realistically, it doesn't make too much sense for us to bring both in at once. I should hope that the Kubrow can hold its own in a firefight though -- would need a good reason not to stick with the Carrier and its five-forma'd rifle. :p


All in all, there's quite the commotion in the works. Mixed feelings regarding T4 as well, but we'll have to see how things turn out.
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