1st off I've read the wiki, it's information isn't really crystal clear.
2nd, I've used the search function on the forums.....no help.
I'm wondering how the ranks on the ability work. It's a three rank card.
Does each tick increase:
A) The size of the bastille?
B) The length of time the bastille is up?
C) The amount of enemies that the bastille can hold?
D) Some other thing I haven't listed.
If this information is on the wiki page please just quote it here...It's totally possible that this is stated somewhere there and I just don't know how to interpret the information properly.
I would just go ahead and rank it up and test it out but I only have 1 and if I don't get the effect I want I don't want to have to go farm a warframe ability.
1st off I've read the wiki, it's information isn't really crystal clear.
2nd, I've used the search function on the forums.....no help.
I'm wondering how the ranks on the ability work. It's a three rank card.
Does each tick increase:
A) The size of the bastille?
B) The length of time the bastille is up?
C) The amount of enemies that the bastille can hold?
D) Some other thing I haven't listed.
If this information is on the wiki page please just quote it here...It's totally possible that this is stated somewhere there and I just don't know how to interpret the information properly.
I would just go ahead and rank it up and test it out but I only have 1 and if I don't get the effect I want I don't want to have to go farm a warframe ability.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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