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Selling Rare Mods And Prime Parts

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Warframe mods:


Retribution - 15 plat

Rage- 25 plat

Natural talent - 30 plat

Steel charge- 10 plat


Primary mods


Arrow mutation - 10 plat

Blaze- 20 plat

Bane of corpus- 10 plat

Bane of Grineer- 10 plat

Charged chamber - 15 plat

Hammershot- 20 plat

Hell's chamber - 15 plat

Metal Auger - 15 plat

Ravage- 15 plat

Sniper ammo mutation - 10 plat

Split chamber - 15 plat


Secondary mods:


Magnum force - 10 plat

Steady hands - 10 plat


Melee mods:


Berserker( maxed) - 35 plat

Heavy trauma - 15 plat

Jagged edge - 15 plat

Whirlwind- 25 plat




Energy siphon- 15 plat




Frost prime whole set- 25 plat


dakra prime handle- 5 plat 

boltor prime barrel- 10 plat

braton prime bp - 5 plat

braton prime stock- 5 plat

braton prime barrel- 5 plat

ember prime bp 10 plat

ember prime chasis - 5 plat

fang prime handle - 10 plat

sicarus prime barrel - 10 plat

sicarus prime receiver - 10 plat



I am willing to negotiate :)

Edited by Joshyk810
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