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Prime Weapons And The Likes - Please Stop Putting A Light/dark Tint Overlay


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I can understand making the golden parts non-recolorable since it's proper to the Prime weapons. However, I don't think it's a good design choice to keep those light/dark overlay on many color channels.


1) It mostly does one thing: it limits color customization and matching sets.

Whether it's lighter or darker should be a choice from the player, not an overlay. This also makes it that people who haven't bought any color sets will have more trouble matching them, since they won't have a wide range of tints and shades.


Example: Ankyros Prime



Here I'm using the same green on the Ankyros as it is on my Trinity Warframe. Even so, you can clearly see that the Ankyros looks lighter, which doesn't match as well with the Warframe (what I'm aiming for).



2) Additionally, this design choice is always inconsistent.

For instance, older Primes like Excalibur Prime, Latron Prime and even Braton Prime have this "issue" with a few color channels. On the other hand, the rather recent Burston Prime and Sicarus Prime presents the right color/tint/shade selected on all color channels. Even so, the more recent Ankyros P. and Boltor P. have a few channels with a predetermined shade.


Even more surprising is Mag Prime, who first had the same lighter shade as Excalibro Prime, but they chose to patch this out by making the color channels more exact to what we choose rather than imposing a certain tint/shade, and therefore opening more paths for customization. Why wasn't this done to all Prime items then? It doesn't matter whether it has a matte or glossy finish, it's never really consistent.


My suggestion would be to stick to one thing for that, especially the bigger color channels, and to remove the light/dark overlays present in many things, since DE acknowledged it themselves: changing Mag Prime's overlay allowed for better customization.


EDIT: Anyone who can't verify the items I listed themselves, and can't see the difference I'm pointing in my picture, this should help.


Edited by Casardis
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I don't see a problem based on the screen shot you have displayed here.


The ankyros is using the same color as the frame, but said color looks lighter on the ankyros.

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I don't see a problem based on the screen shot you have displayed here.


No offense intended, but you should try looking closer at the green part of the Ankyros and the green of Trinity's elbow-forearm. It's not the same shade of green (Ankyros green is slightly lighter).


It's not as noticeable on Ankyros compared to, say, Excalibur Prime or Latron Prime, but it is there (reason why I mentioned it in the first place so anyone can check by themselves).


If even doing that isn't enough for you to see, this should make you see it clearly.



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Wow you're nitpicking over a color shade that's rather barely noticable in a game where fast-paced action takes place?


The art and customization of Warframe is a big thing that attracts more players than you might think. Taking the art designs into account is also a nice way to polish the game's visuals. Just because you think it's unimportant because you couldn't notice it at first doesn't mean that it should be brushed aside, especially when there's an art team AND art feedback forum about it.


Art bugs and overhaul ideas aren't the only adequate feedback deserving attentions.


And for your information, I, for one, notice this all the time, whether it's on my own frame or on people. I do believe I'm "nitpicking" reasonably because it's clearly a decision they make. Sorry that you and I can't see eye to eye about the art of Warframe, but if you're going to give such witty responses, I don't think a discussion can take place so I'm done with that.



I've PM'ed Draice about this before, back in february. In summary, they're aware of this type of issue, Draice said he was hoping to look over this between Update 13 and 14 if the workload allowed it.  


Thanks for the information. It's good to know that it's something they will consider, but I do hope they keep that in mind with new items coming in (since, like I said, they keep repeating the same thing). Customization is something they put forward, with cosmetics and color palettes only accessible with platinum, so they should keep pushing that accordingly when they can do it reasonably.

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Yeah this affects Valkyr too. Not regarding weapons but her main body. The top half of her (lack of a better desc) upper-breast area and whatever is tied to that colour slot has a different tint to the rest of her lower body colour slot, so you can't ever match the two for one complete solid colour. Not only that due to the scale of the tints it actually changes the colours as a whole, sometimes making them poorer in quality and different in colour. They both need to be the darker tint rather than the lighter, especially as the latter seems to be lower quality. Haven't noticed this on other frames so far though, maybe it's not as obvious.

Edited by Naith
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I don't really use non-prime helmets on prime warframes, but I know that at least for Excalibur prime, there was no possible way to get any of his basic helmets to match the rest of his body. Can't remember if Frost / the other primes have the same affliction.

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I don't really use non-prime helmets on prime warframes, but I know that at least for Excalibur prime, there was no possible way to get any of his basic helmets to match the rest of his body. Can't remember if Frost / the other primes have the same affliction.


It only affects Excalibro Prime so far. It affects Ember Prime slightly, but it's just because of the color distribution. The only way to match Excalibur Prime with alternate helmet is with the Immortal skin, which makes him look like a regular Excalibur with the skin.

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Now with the recent changes on Excal Prime, all Prime Warframes seem to be consistent with their tints!


Some weapons still have this though. If DE took their time to make these changes on the Warframes, I don't see why they should keep it for Prime weapons.

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I'm sure they're slowly changing the quality of the gold textures too. Frost Prime seems to be much more cleaner and finer these days. Pull out Burston Prime and you'll see a poor quality bronze-gold on it still.

Edited by Naith
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