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Stalker Issues.


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So this may already have been posted, im not sure, but i can't really look by searching for "stalker" and get a gazillion posts.

Anyway here's the issues with the Stalker i think need to be addressed:

-Death mark notification: There's currently no way of telling which/how many death marks you have, unless you use them all so you can actually get the email again. I think it's bugged with the g3 email too. 

I think it's time to implement a death mark indicator on the main menu.

-Stalker spawn rate too low. I know that if you put it higher it may grief new players a lil bit, but how about making the appearance chance stack with the ammount of death marks? Or something like that. (I also read steve on twitch saying his spawn chance was "cowardly" bugged)

-Stalker not dropping guaranteed BP's. Now this is the REAL issue, it's hard enough to get the stalker to appear as it is for it to drop a SlashDash. Either guarantee his drop, or make his BP's tradable for the sake of RNGesus trying to screw us all over.

So, thats my 2 cents on this matter.

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