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Mod Problem - Possible Way Of Solution


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Considering Ability mods constantly dropping being quite a hassle, but some builds using underranked mods and not allowing those mods being removed from drop list - there is one quite simple solution that could possitively affect other mods as well.


You could make mods level as they are leveling now however players could change the level of the mod with arrow bars at the armory right on the mod UI. That would not only reduce the "spam mods" from drop tables but also would let players customise their warframes and weapons as they please.


By leveling the mod and than giving the player chance to change it's effective level in the actual level-range players could open some interesting builds. Corrupted mods come to my mind esspecialy here (like Heavy Caliber). Some weapons can't afford the whole  negative accuracy effect. So if you are using planty of weapons in theory you should have arround 3-4 Heavy Calibers on different levels for different weapons to "get the most juice out of it".


Or if not that the Ability mods at least should have their separate section in armory as it's quite annoying looking for a certain mod with all those ability mods and their copies out there.


Basic concept of UI (From left to right): 

NOTE: Those concept pictures are poorly made as their only purpose is to show the basic concept of the idea. Too lasy at weekends to do something properly soz. EXP won't farm itself.



1) Simple arrows with number showing effective level

2) Once again arrows (eventualy simply pressing the bracket on left side). White showing effective level, green max level of mod player has

3) At the bottom current level of mod, brackets on left showing effective level

4) Pressing bracket on left side choosing effective level.



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I would love an ability to underclock my mods or something for specific builds so I don't have multiples of the same darn mod. It'd also help me in not leveling up multiple Serrations and Hornet Strikes depending on the item in question... It will certainly prevent the tedium.

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+1 to OP ... Yay, the Underclock feature being suggested once again... Don't remember how many threads there are already exist about this. It's a permanent suffering to my mind how DE still hasn't considered implementing such a feature. xD

Edited by MeduSalem
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Maybe they are worried of breaking (the already broken) market. Such a feature would lower the need on mods as people would need to have just one of each.


To be honest they should just add it and increase the drop chance on fusion cores to compensate. Leveling mods is just pain sometimes with so many "trash-mods" dropping.


And in terms of market - It's already broken so I wouldn't bother about that. Didn't see such an unstable market for quite a while in other games I've played. One of the reasons might be plat and prime parts being the only currency and people not being aware how much 1 plat is actualy worth.


Ohh well. Maybe someday our mod UI will either get clearer or we will get some sort of function which will lower the mod number.

Edited by Amlug
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Yeah, oversaturation of the market might be a problem...


But from my experience the only people really caring about having underclocked mods for leveling purposes are the Veterans.


Most of the casual players I've come across in our clan either horde their mods and don't give a damn about how many duplicates they have, or they sell them for credits because they are annoyed by the input lag they cause in the menu, or they use them as fusion-fodder for ugly mods like Serration/Hornet Strike whatever once they run out of Fusion cores.


At least most of them don't give a damn about trading them. But I know there are enough Veteran players out there who have dozens over dozens of duplicates of the same mod and that's why the price for some mods is already on an alltime low in the trade channel. (Don't really know if the Legendary Core Scandal really dumped the price that much or not).


But to be honest I don't think it will have much of an impact on the market if there's no need of underclocked duplicates anymore... It will go by like all the other fails DE has achieved with the trading system. It will drop the price of most mods below 5p (if they aren't already) for unranked versions and that's it. I guess it won't affect ranked stuff at all because it's still a nightmare to max out some of the mods because of the fusion cores needed to do so.

Edited by MeduSalem
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