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[Warframe Mod] Reflex Guard


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I didn't feel like ressurecting an old thread and I felt like my point of view on this didn't reflect that of my predecessors.


So onwards to what I figured is the worst mod you can possibly equip: Reflex Guard

While it's ability to automatically prevent some damage you would take isn't all that bad, the ammount blocked as well as the stamina drain itself seem unreasonable. I'd rather use the Stamina to dodge instead. And honestly, blocking doesn't make too much of a difference to begin with.

Unless Tennos get a shield (which would give 1-handed weapons more of a point).


But the biggest quarrel I got with the mod: It prevents you from reloading.

Each time you block, your reloading progress gets interrupted and you have to start over again. This can be terrible at times.

As of now I got no decent suggestions on improving Reflex Guard, other than changing it to improve the ammount you block instead of automatically blocking. Even then, blocking currently seems like a waste of time.


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I imagine this mod (among others) will definitely be altered once Melee 2.0 comes out. I'm not one for 'Wait and see' points but, here it applies as we're not sure what they have planned and I personally feel this mod will be adjusted when they're revising the current melee mods.

Edited by Naith
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 Reloading problems?

 I get different problems with the reload thing. The reload gets interrupted by jumping, rolling, opening a locker, even by just falling 10 cm...

 Thanks for the reminder though. I was keeping a list of things that bug me to no end, and I forgot this one.

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to disable the reflex guard animation/effect, simply tap melee, on my ash which comically has this and reflection fitted, just run towards your enemy, reflex guard activates, you can still slide and just as you get to them do a sliding spin attack, you will retain the guard "protection" right until you perform the slide attack.


regular and charge melee both break the reflex guard anim, also as i use it on ash, smoke screen conveniently breaks you out of the reflex anim straight into stealth, yeah it can be annoying but it can be dealt with once you've had a mess around.


EDIT: tried again and it seems im unable to dive while reflex is activated, it "used too" but now i can only break with a regular melee attack when approaching enemys, last i tried i had dual weapons and this time i was using an orthos for the reach, no idea if thats the issue or if they simply stopped us sliding when its activated.

Edited by Methanoid
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the issue in the game is that blocking serves little to no purpose 


yeah myself and others made a few posts/threads about the whole block/stamina mechanics back in U10, i think my main gripe back then tho was that when you manually block you still freewalk so moving backwards makes you turn your back on enemy fire as your blocking which is no use, i wanted to lock you in your current forward direction and have you strafe around while blocking.


some others went into much bigger detail about ways to revamp stamina and much more, cant find their threads now tho or even my own ¬ ¬

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nothing can match the annoyance of Autoblock interrupting you reload your weapon at any given time.

So the melee update is out, the only benefit now is that this actually prevents some damage finally.


However I still would ask kindly to change this mod to be only active when actually wielding your sword.

While this means you wont autoblock when using a weapon, this at least means you wont get interrupted doing anything else as well.


To make things short: It's better, but still is a waste and under regular circumstances quite a nuisance.

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