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Final Question To The Community Of The Day : Individual Warframe Tutorials


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okay Final post tonight!


So Scott said in the stream that once melee is out they'll focus once again on the new player experience , so we'll jst have to be patient :)


However , I've realized that for new players , there is literally nothing apart from the profile videos to learn how to use the frames they posses. 


Just imagine a very new player. chooses excal as default but decides to buy a frame that he thinks looks cool like ash or vauban . 

Shouldn't there be a small level similar to the mastery rank tests but to test the powers of each frame?. 


I think to learn how to use a waframe correctly , it's better to practice handling it on your own with no pressure or time limit like in the mastery tests.

What do you guys think? 

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nah, that's what those first couple missions using the frame are. it would be nice if DE updated the mod descriptions for the abilities. that would suffice, I think. so many players get confused by trinity's WoL and energy vamp descriptions, when DE changed the mechanics ages ago


DE should also add tooltips back to the ability mods of newer frames. older ones will say "increases strength and range with each rank" (or something like that), but new ones have nothing


individual courses for each frame? probably not. because most frames can be used in a lot of different ways. I think the best way to learn is the immersion in some easier missions. exterminate, spy, deception, the ones you don't play that often. but proper descriptions and tooltips need to be added to facilitate the transition to a new frame


then again, if there were a room where you could run around and use the powers of a frame you don't have, just to try them out, that would actually be pretty nice. loadout does it well, where you can try out weapons even if you haven't bought components yet against some bots. but because there are warframe stats, I don't think there should be enemies you can kill. maybe test dummies that will allow you to test damage and range of powers

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I think players should be able to check out the 3 starting frames, especially Loki.

Reading the descriptions, players go "Oh that sounds cool", but may not like the frame at all, and they're stuck with it for a while.

i like this idea. like, you have the option of doing a quick test mission with each frame before making your final choice between the three.

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