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Enemy Radar, Camera's, Turrets, Traps, Extermination And The Problems Thereof.


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This post is about environmental dangers that show up on the mini map as well as the ones that don't. It's also about how the way environmental dangers show up on the mini map can cause confusion.


To clear up any confusion these are the things that I consider environmental dangers:


-Arc traps

-Grineer sensor bars

-Corpus laser doors (camera's also included)

-Corpus turrets


Right now using enemy radar only corpus camera's and corpus turrets show up on the mini map. Either arc traps and sensors bars need to show up on the  mini map when using that aura as well, or none of the environmental hazards should show up on the mini map at all. Consistency, 'nuff said.


Now on to how they show up. The picture below is not the best example, but it's the only one I have at the moment so bear with me.




You'll notice in the picture all the enemies are dead, yet it appears as if there is still one active according to the mini map. What you are seeing there is a turret. Camera's also show up the same way. Right now you can easily see that even though it is using the same marker as an enemy there is no way it could be (due to there being none). However when you have something like 10 enemies remaining and you end up in one of the corpus rooms with 4 cameras and 3 turrets, it's reallly hard to tell which ones are actually enemies without running over and looking for yourself. If you are doing that you may as well not have the enemy radar aura in at all. If environmental hazards are going to be displayed on the mini map they should have their own unique icon.


Thanks for you time. Please let me know if you have the same issue. :)

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Running invasions with Enemy sense/enemy radar is a pain.

+ for new icons.


While enemy radar is one thing, the enemy sense mod could use alot of upgrades:

It would be nice if some additional features like enemy health in numbers were displayed to when using these. Or enemy heavy units having a special icon. Perhaps displaying weak spots, or working with your codex - showing some small icons for which elemental weaknesses/resistances they have - bonus feature?


Anyway... using the map for tactical play is GOOD. With some possible comming stealth the pace will likely be slower, then tactics will be more useful, info is power then.

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Anyway... using the map for tactical play is GOOD. With some possible comming stealth the pace will likely be slower, then tactics will be more useful, info is power then.


This might be exactly what they're going for.

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