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Rework Ember As A Volcano Themed Frame.


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TL;DR  Please consider reworking Ember to more of a blast/heat hybrid frame instead of pure heat.


So an Ember walks in a room and notices a lot of enemies.  She crouches down and starts to cast World on Fire, but she notices a bright light as she stands up.  Looking around, she can't find any of the previous enemies and instead only looks on as a Nova runs past her.  Eager to catch up, Ember begins chasing the Nova, hoping to at least take on the enemies together.  Ember can barely manage to catch up to the Nova before she clears the room, unfortunately Ember is just a spectator because combined with Nova's speed and raw damage output it becomes quite obvious that Ember can't even consider contributing to the team.  Ember and Nova aren't trying to fill the same niche, but they take the same approach and so unfortunately regardless of whatever Ember was trying to accomplish she is simply outclassed by Nova.


I think a potential solution to giving Ember a greater sense of identity is to imbue her abilities with blast effects.  Not all abilities would need it, and the ones that receive the blast effect would need to be tweaked in consideration of the extra crowd control.  Giving Ember the ability to control the area through her abilities which require her to get within a fairly uncomfortable distance to more powerful opponents would be in line with what I see as being her high risk, high reward playstyle while allowing her to contribute more towards the team with additional utility.  While the damage or area effect of some of these abilities is not necessarily on par with other frame's 4th ability, the duration of blast is comparable to other heavy damage crowd control 4th abilities such as Mag's Crush, Frost's Avalanche, or Saryn's Miasma.  Even assuming that World on Fire was given a blast knockdown effect, it would not have nearly the same sense of control and so the situations in which it is used would vary more than other frames.


A change such as this would also open up Ember to a more volcano inspired theme with only minor visual tweaks necessary, and everyone loves volcanos.  <3



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I agree. I feel like as a fire themed frame she should do more damage and be more effective.



Armor? who cares? she can practically cook the Grineer in their suits. I know this effect isn't implemented but at high temperatures fire sure as hell should do more than be "Effective against flesh".


As far as robots go.. They're made of metal and rubber that can both melt down.



I guess I feel like they aren't giving Ember much love as far as her potential.

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A long time ago they were talking about male/female versions of existing frames, and the dev stream reply (Steve IIRC) was that they would instead, eventually, put in new frames with their own skills and styles in similar themes and opposite genders. I think Zephyr is a little bit in the direction, where if you wanted the whole storm theme going on, you could do Volt or Zephyr for Male/Female, but each are still unique.


I would think a Volcano themed frame would be a good expectation for a male fire frame as a counter-part to Ember.

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I admire you putting TL;DR at the beginning of the post. 




I think the proposed idea to change up Ember a bit is a good one; there's still talk about improving and changing Ember for the "better". This one seems good in my opinion.

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