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Another Warframe Movie Post


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Originally posted to Wiki


I know that people have talked about a Warframe movie before, but I don't know if it has really been given it's full consideration. I know that DE is a indepent studio, but for Sony there is a huge oprotunnity to champion a really hot propterty. If I was Sony, and I know I am not and such a statement is silly but bare with me, I would immediatlly option a movie form DE, and through a ton of money at them. Now, I would be careful to do this in a very open manner, but for the purpose of making a synergistic partnership, where a movie makes the game more attractive and the oppisite true as well. It doesn't have to be the next spiderman, but I think that it could certianly be a greate way to introduce more lore and showcase Warframe. As long as a good partnership can be achieved that doesn't step on DE's toes, it would be a win win.

Some people concerns are that nobody makes good video game movies. That maybe mostly true so far, but very few good comic book movies used to be made, so that more about the medium getting its due time energy from studios and talent.

DE would never go for it, a deeper partnership would ruin DE. I don't presume to know what DE would do, or how they would feel about an expanded relationship with Sony or another movie studio. I think it would make sense on many levels, and that its in Sony's or any movie studios best interest to take advantage of a easy opprotunity. Especially Sony, who can synergize the PS4 with a movie tie in. If that means giving DE a lot of room and freedom, then they should do, so, but DE would be wise to listen to the experienced movie maker that is Sony and the Producers and Directors that it would pull in. I am not suggesting some crazy shift in direction for DE, just an effort to nail down enough lore to be the basis of a movie. Perhaps orgonizing some content to lead up and set up the film, and some co-release/post-release content on the order of past events, bigger if possible.

Another consideration. With the upcoming release of games like Destiny, and other titles, Warframe, and maybe this is just me, will have more compitition. That maybe unfounded, but Sony would be wise to sweetin the deal with DE to keep them from releasing a XBONE version.

Anyways, I think that Warframe as a concept just from the art direction and style alone would resonate with people. Some real TLC for the lore and a sharp film could be just the thing to really spring things forward and that would be quite the win for the fans of Warframe. 

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