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Anyone Ever Noticed How Weak Corpus Is?


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Other then maybe 1 or 2 bosses, Corpus is pretty weak

Once there shields goes down (if they have any) they go down faster then a fat lady in a swimming pool

And their presence in the galaxy is lacking (to me at least), I find myself preparing my weapons to take down Grineer with Corpus being  barely a after thought


Even in The Void, I'm preparing my weapons for Grineer Gunners with no thought at all about anything Corpus



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Their strength is in numbers. Moas are just mobile laser turrets, and they have their variety spread out into many different units. Nothing strong like Grineer heavies, no, but spawning tons of Moas, with Osprey supporting.


Your analogy also needs work: Fat people float better than skinny.

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Fusion moas can take town the pod in T3 defense in seconds if they are left unchecked, so can their drones


Supra fire is painful, and since techs are just a reskin of other crewman, they get missed from time to time.


Getting knocked down and having your sheilds taken out by a pin-point railgun shot sucks


Shockwaves are a pain to deal with, Anti-Moas even more so.



Yes, they are easier to fight than Grineer. But i still get killed by them in high level maps

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Corpus are not about brute strength like the Grineer. That's why I like them. They are about strategy. They use shields and shield replenishing bots to assist them in battle, as well as overwhelming numbers (although not quite as numerous as the infested). 

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Their strength is in numbers. Moas are just mobile laser turrets, and they have their variety spread out into many different units. Nothing strong like Grineer heavies, no, but spawning tons of Moas, with Osprey supporting.


Your analogy also needs work: Fat people float better than skinny.


I think that only applies to salt water

they're pretty weak, thats why they have shields and produced alot of bots to aid them

Even with all the bots and shields I just feel like there's no reason to prepare to fight them

I just don't feel like there's a really a good reason to have  a separate mods setup to handle Corpus because whatever can kill Grineer is more then enough to handle Corpus

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Corpus are the medium difficulty faction. They aren't facerolled like the infested who get beaten by a tall enough box, and they don't have hitscan cannons of bleeding death like the Grineer.


Besides, the Corpus are not weak, we are just strong.

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The main problem is that Shields do not scale as insanely as Armor does. Oh, and bug or not, their main resistance can be outright skipped with a single mod. Also their projectiles can actually be dodged, and they don't have anything that's remotely as dangerous as the Napalm.

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The main problem is that Shields do not scale as insanely as Armor does. Oh, and bug or not, their main resistance can be outright skipped with a single mod. Also their projectiles can actually be dodged, and they don't have anything that's remotely as dangerous as the Napalm.


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Other then maybe 1 or 2 bosses, Corpus is pretty weak

Once there shields goes down (if they have any) they go down faster then a fat lady in a swimming pool

And their presence in the galaxy is lacking (to me at least), I find myself preparing my weapons to take down Grineer with Corpus being  barely a after thought


Even in The Void, I'm preparing my weapons for Grineer Gunners with no thought at all about anything Corpus


1. *than


2. Fat floats, bone sinks.


3. Go up against a few high-level elite crewmen. Those flux rifles hurt.




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Feel tough? Run a 30 min pluto survival see if they earn your respect again......

Not necessary. A level 20 Ice Leader Tech can down an average maxed-out non-defensive Warframe in roughly three bullets.

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That's why they were designed to have a lot of shields and flying things that boost them. Grineer die once their health goes to 0, what are the damn odds?



 I think it's time you lot stopped complaining about difficulty.

Another stupid troll. Go read the damn post again before you try getting into a penile measuring contest.

The grineer where always tankier to me while the corpus where more aggressive. Their bloom cannons have usually been more dangerous than grineer stuff to me. They are indeed in serious need of a wider variety of tougher units though.

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Have you seen the corpus techs mow down stuff? they kill fast when they see you. I was running nightmare on venus (yes, the easy venus planet so the nightmare wasnt that hard) and a tech caught me by surprise. Blasted through iron skin + shields and killed me in 3 seconds. that supra is crazy.


Also, at high levels, shield ospreys become insanely top priority.

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Have you seen the corpus techs mow down stuff? they kill fast when they see you. I was running nightmare on venus (yes, the easy venus planet so the nightmare wasnt that hard) and a tech caught me by surprise. Blasted through iron skin + shields and killed me in 3 seconds. that supra is crazy.


Also, at high levels, shield ospreys become insanely top priority.

While I do agree that Supras when wielded by Techs are pure rape, nightmare mode is not an indication of weapons power as it's misleading. In nightmare mode enemy damage is about 20-30 levels higher than their base level

Edited by WhisperByte
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It isn't really that theCorpus are weak, it's that the Grineer have gotten unit after unit piled onto them, each with its own "hey this would be cool" often-uncounterable frame-wrecking ability, that the Corpus seem weak by comparison. They don't feature units that can straight-up one-shot a frame *and* drop area denial on top of the corpse, or units with unavoidable radial stuns, or bleeds that drain an entire HP bar through shields, basically.

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Well, their shields ARE their health bar for one, as if that wasn't obvious, they often outnumber even the Infested and do more damage with their basic goons than the Grineer. Also, a few weeks ago I was actually noting that using an Anti-Corpus loadout (Impact and Magnetic) I killed Grineer in fewer shots than I killed Corpus and thought "wow, Corpus take way more hits than is reasonable". Corpus are fine and are supposed to be glass cannons with massive numbers, if that's what they're doing right now then all is well.

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