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Prime Skill


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Honest opinion: Primes are not incentivised enough for me to give a crap about their barely-visible-while-in-game-golden-trim.


Yes there are numerous other threads about making the prime look into cosmetics instead of having a separate frame, unless DE is planning anything special with this Priming of all the frames (other than raking in cash) it might as well be a cosmetic.


But from the looks of it, it would be a total waste of an opportunity to make players crave for the prime frames even more (thus raking in more cash (on a side note)) by adding an exclusive ability only enabled in prime frames. It would also be pretty cool if these prime skills are created through a community contest and voted on by the design council.


Pretty please. If dust exist in this game, my excal prime would be buried deeper than the earth's core from mt everest.

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I want some special Prime mods that only the Prime Warframes can use. Maybe something kinda like the dragon keys, where it'll degrade one aspect of your frame and greatly boost another aspect (say great decrease in speed for great increase in health + shields), that with some fancy leader-like effect (the orange aura around them or something, could be a gold aura). There needs to be more incentive for Primes if they're supposed to be the originals.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Yes the community doesn't like exclusive stuff so why not just make it general maybe allow prime frames to switch abilities with other primes of a set of unique abilities. DE would still rake in money (on the next frames to be released) because people generaly want the prime stuff right away.

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If Primes are a straight upgrade from "normal" Warframes, I want to be able to turn my "normal" warframes into Primes.


Like you need to have the "normal" warframe in order to be able to play the Prime. You need to get 4 parts (blueprint and 3 others) to build like an enhancement which goes into a special slot (but can be taken out).

Edited by Grulos
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