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Question/help (New Sentinel)



I couldn't really find a spot to place this, but i'd just like someone to help me. 


okay so i recently aquired the Helios sentinel and ikno nothing is ever perfect, but the weapon it has equip the glaive based one, when i add mods it adds the effects of the mods. but when i try to add Pressure Point to increase the damage it does absolutly nothing.. and i wasn't sure on either it being a visual bug (because it has happened to my weapons before) or that mod having no effect on the new weapon. and i'd just like some help or if anyone else has the sentinel to let me kno if its happening to them too or am i just being teased D: 



p.s if wrong section to place please move it for me, i'm really new to the forum D:

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yes, atm pressure point does absolutely nothing, at first I thought, oh its just a bug with the damage display in the loadout screen, then I noticed the damage it does didn't increase, so, its very weak atm, the weapon as a whole is poor in its performance compared to any of the others from what ive seen so far and ive maxed the weapon and have the sentinel at lvl28

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