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Paris Prime Or Dread?



19 answers to this question

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Paris Prime, Puncture based.


Dread, Slash based.


If you like to see enemies hanging on walls, go for Paris Prime


Like seeing enemies split from the waist? Go for Dread.


EDIT: I do like the Dread more, and also have PP.

Edited by Xhos
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Paris Prime or Dread - Your call.  Which one do you like using more?  The stuff you see about specific enemies is only late game.  You can totally get away with having just one of these bows if you wanted and still kill anything that comes in to your sight.   Aim for the weak spots as always and get the bonus crit damage.  Using frames like Loki, Excalibur or Vauban to allow you the time to line up your shots.


By the time you are killing the high end stuff, you'll have forma coming out your ears so you can forma both no problem.   Both bows come with two polarities already so you only need to add two more forma to each.   Add 4 to each if you want to go to extremes.  Hang on to both bows.


You are planning to play against level 100 enemies?

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Both are excellent its just at that point of personal preference where you either want to be a Dark side badazz



or an orokin (Light Side) badazz



Your choice of which side affects nothing except your personal preference i say if you like to forma both make them equally powerful so now you can just choose one based on which warframe it matches more

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Actually, PP is better against Corpus than Cernos. Puncture damage is actually pretty good as the robots tend to have significant robotic health pools, while crewmen are mostly shields. As the Magnetic damage added on basically strips the shields, the bows come down to damage to health, which is why Dread is actually better than Cernos too.


Actually, the PP just has so much more damage than Cernos, especially because it reaches 100% crit, that it completely outclasses the Cernos.


Cernos *might* be better than Paris, but definitely not better than Paris Prime. 


We'll have to wait for Cernos Prime before we have a bow for each faction.

Edited by Darzk
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Actually, PP is better against Corpus than Cernos. Puncture damage is actually pretty good as the robots tend to have significant robotic health pools, while crewmen are mostly shields. As the Magnetic damage added on basically strips the shields, the bows come down to damage to health, which is why Dread is actually better than Cernos too.


Actually, the PP just has so much more damage than Cernos, especially because it reaches 100% crit, that it completely outclasses the Cernos.


Cernos *might* be better than Paris, but definitely not better than Paris Prime. 


We'll have to wait for Cernos Prime before we have a bow for each faction.

We will need a infested bow too.........

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In terms of damage per shot:

- Paris Prime for high-leveled Grineer and Corrupted, by far.

- Roughly tied for everything else, with Dread having a slight edge on unarmored targets like Corpus and Infested trash mobs.


In terms of utility:

- Paris Prime for fire rate (that -0.1s reload time is surprisingly noticeable).

- Dread for projectile speed.



I personally use Dread for everything except for Grineer stealth runs. The projectile speed is a huge help; you do a lot more damage with a weapon that you can actually hit moving targets with. If you're not a legendary hero at leading shots, then Dread is probably your best choice.


Don't forget that both are crit weapons, so their Headshot multipliers are 4x as opposed to 2x. If you learn to headshot moving targets, then the better weapon is the one that you're better at aiming with, no matter what the enemy (level 999 Napalms aside).

Edited by SortaRandom
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Paris Prime has my vote, being puncture based it is better suited against Grineers/Corrupted which are basically the main factions you want to use a bow against; there are better choices both for Infested and Corpus than a bow.


PS: used both, got PP with 5 formas.

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No it's not crap. It's best against Corpus just like Paris Prime is best against armored and Dread is best against infested/flesh.

Unfortunately both Dread and Paris Prime are better than Cernos against Corpus (or any other target).

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