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Any Possible Improvements On My Paris Prime Builds?



These are the potential builds I have for my Paris Prime after I polarize it 3 times.

Let me know if these will be good enough for high levels. I don't want to put in Heavy Caliber or Hammer Shot.

If these are good, I can start using my Formas.


Grineer - Basic Radiation build.



Corpus - 180% Magnetic for their shields and 90% Toxin for HP.



Infested - Will be playing more of a supporting role. Only using the bow for targets like Disrupters and Ancients.



Void - Standard Void build with Cold and Corrosive. Just alternate the mods from my Corpus build.


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the builds are great and best almost best possible build i use almost the same just i switch seccond element or bane with hammer shot for boss runs or thunderbolt for lower level game play and use rank 8 point strike instead of 9 r8 gives enought to go to 101% crit chance

Edited by Scandroid
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My suggestion is to take off Bane mods and install Heavy Caliber. Insane crits everywhere!


For lower accuracy? On a weapon I want to snipe with? What on earth are you smoking?! LOL.


Just kidding, I did say that H.C is out of the question. So, any proper criticism on my builds or are they good to go?

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Looks good.


Only thing I might change is considering using 150% toxin and bane against Corpus (requires Cicero mod), and using HammerShot instead of Cryo Rounds to push more damage against reaaaaaly high level Gunners.

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Builds are looking pretty swell to me.

For the first build, I'd strongly advise replacing that Bane mod with Hammer Shot. You gain a huge amount of Status Chance and you lose out on ~2-3% damage per strike, which is completely negligible. It's practically a direct upgrade.


As for the Formas, replace one of those V polarities with a "-" polarity. Notice how every one of your builds features some sort of "11-" mod that isn't polarized, yet something like Speed Trigger has its own forma.

Gotta squeeze out them extra points. xD

Edited by SortaRandom
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Looks good.


Only thing I might change is considering using 150% toxin and bane against Corpus (requires Cicero mod), and using HammerShot instead of Cryo Rounds to push more damage against reaaaaaly high level Gunners.


I don't have the Cicero mods so that's out of the question. =(

But I'll play around with Hammer Shot to see what works. Thanks. =)


Builds are looking pretty swell to me.

For the first build, I'd strongly advise replacing that Bane mod with Hammer Shot. You gain a huge amount of Status Chance and you lose out on ~2-3% damage per strike, which is completely negligible. It's practically a direct upgrade.


As for the Formas, replace one of those V polarities with a "-" polarity. Notice how every one of your builds features some sort of "11-" mod that isn't polarized, yet something like Speed Trigger has its own forma.

Gotta squeeze out them extra points. xD


Alright then, I'll try them out. 2-3% loss shouldn't be a problem. I'll switch one of those "V" polarities to a "-" then. Thanks. =)

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for me i actually replaced the bane mods with shred which actually gives me a real fast charge rate and 1.2 punch through... its a personal choice as i can actually shoot through walls when the units are hiding. and please don switch the "V" slot to "-" slot... this is my current build for grinneer. and i will jus change hellfire for the other factions or void missions




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and please don switch the "V" slot to "-" slot...


Wait, I shouldn't change the V polarity to a - just because of your build? Why should I dumb down my build and waste mod slots for unnecessary mods that could easily be rectified by not being lazy? I'm looking for possible improvements to the builds I made. Not complete overhauls.


I've already played around with the build after swapping out a new V polarity for a - and it's actually good.

And I don't need Shred. If they're hiding, I'll just move around instead of staying still at one spot.



Edited by AxialBlue
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Wait, I shouldn't change the V polarity to a - just because of your build? Why should I dumb down my build and waste mod slots for unnecessary mods that could easily be rectified by not being lazy? I'm looking for possible improvements to the builds I made. Not complete overhauls.


I've already played around with the build after swapping out a new V polarity for a - and it's actually good.

And I don't need Shred. If they're hiding, I'll just move around instead of staying still at one spot.





complete overhaul???? since when was this a complete overhaul? if you do not have high voltage.. jus stick with stormbringer.. i personally perfer status chance.. and definitely hammer shot is a bonus which i am still trying to get...

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