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So, About Vors Prize... Any Theory?


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I guess we will soon see whats finally been descided about the future storyline.

The Queens have been Vors direct superior, and he wants to answer the question, how do Warframes work, and the connection to the Void.

This was prior to Codex, Invasions, Harvester and Leaders.

Now it seems that quest is over.

We have Void users on both sides now using Warframe powers.

Alad seem to have understood how to use Warframes in cybernetics.

So I ask you, what revelation will he bring next?

I am hoping/ guessing the Twin Queens are sisters of the Lotus.

Genetic perfect clones, cyborgs like her.

It makes sense to me, the last remnants of the Orokin Empire, trying to build a new one.

What do you hope and think Vors Prize is, and the Queens themselves?

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And now for something completely different:


Vor's prize is his child with one of the Twin Queens (or both, if DE decides to do something AWESOME and make them conjoined Twins), the first true-born Grineer in thousands of years and a chance to stop the Grineer from dying out due to genetic degradation.


And we gotta kill the little bastard.

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From what I know, we will get a quest system. There was a link on forums somewhere, won't post it, don't want to get banned but it was a document containing a very sweet Lore which is explained piece by piece in quests

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Well Vor is a Void Researcher right? He has modified his body with that technilogy and created the Seer gun. So he is no stranger to the Void or Warframes.


He might even be really old. considering how old the Corpus seem to live.

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You guys, comon. Use the lore they give you to possibly piece together a posible outcome. For those of you who dont have ember prime, go to the codex and read her description. Brush up on stalkers as well while your there. Excalibur primes, entry helps as well if your new to the game. I personally think that Vor's Prize will possibly be either warframe powers like the tenno's, or something to do with the stalker. Reason i say this is because whenever stalker spawns in a grineer tileset with grineer, they NEVER touch him. DE says its a bug, i think differently. I also think the stalkers background/lore has something to do with ember primes codex entry. And twins? im sorry but im going to say this in the most appropriate way i can.

Vor having intercourse? EWWWWW and with 2 PEOPLE to make 1 BABY i think not.

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Vor getting cut in half, Orokin artifact granting him superpowers, Vor gets put in a protoframe designed by the Grineer, he hunts us down in an event/we hunt him down in an event, we receive a new semi-Prime, hybrid Warframe.
Vor uses Orokin artifacts to capture a sleeping Tenno and clones him/her but it goes wrong and we get a Grinenno/Grinframe/Warneer type of faction.

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