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What Is Vor's Prize?


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I find it odd that no one just straight up says what it is. Seriously guys...right in the stream


The first quest being worked on for the game.

Yes there is a whole quest system being worked on, particularly for integration with Proxy Wars.

It will introduce the Twin Queens.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Vor's Prize is the first of the new Quests that will be part of the game.


The developers realized that is a waste of their creativity and hard work to spend 2 weeks doing a event mission that players will rush into half a hour, so they decided to do permanent Quests integrated into the game.


Vor's Prize is the first of these Quests, supposedly its a quest for new players, that will provide some essential mods like Vitality, Redirection, Serration and Hornet Strike.


In the last livestream this Vor's Prize was mentioned, DE staff said that this Vor's Prize quest will introduce the Twin Queens into the game. These Twin Queens are the queens of the Grineer, nothing more is known about them.

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Vor's Prize is his child with the Twin Queens, the first actually-born Grineer in generations and the first glimmering hope for the preservation of their race.


And we gotta kill the bastard.


Oh god this made mi laugh in a very evil way, just by thinking we have to kill the bastard


we tenno are evil deep down.

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Vor's Prize?

It's at the end of the next big TV competition, just call the galacta-phone number 10023014145 today and answer this question!

Which of these is NOT piloted by the Tenno SKUUUUUUUM?

A: Volt

B: Mag

C: Valkyr

D: Prodman


Answer correctly and you could be in for your own limited edition box of Tenn-Os with an extra layer of SKUUUUUM on the top!

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