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Dojo Should Have A Dues


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A big problem I came across in the first clan I was a part of was that not everybody pulls their own weight. You have a project you're working on or trying to accomplish and you quickly realize that most of your members are only there to use the labs and not contribute. This seems like it would be a nightmare with a Moon Clan. It would be impossible to monitor one thousand Tenno's contributions. It's basically left to a select few dedicated Tenno to maintain and upgrade the dojo, always grinding out all resources to contribute.

My proposal is this, an option to designate an amount of resource/s that each member is responsible for contributing each week/month. The warlord would be able to access this screen and know who contributes, who doesn't, and be able to administer promotions/demotions as they see fit.

Tenno should be there for their clan and dojo as much as their dojo and clan be there for them.

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It's not fair to support your clan? I'm not saying one thousand orokin cells per month. Are you saying that you couldn't afford one forma? One hundred plastids? Ten polymer bundles? An equal amount for each person to contribute isn't unfair at all. What's unfair is joining a dojo and not helping out.

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Nightframe has a point. That is why most of us are trying to have DE put a physical Clan Vault so they can make contributions to the clan directly instead of when someone finally puts up a decoration or building that needs to be built. Also a counter to see who is contributing so we can more easily figure out who to promote or demote. 


Our clans normal build time on crucial items (research) is less than an hour and everything is contributed already. I see that my other members want to contribute but can not due to the lack of putting materials directly into the vault. 

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It's not fair to support your clan? I'm not saying one thousand orokin cells per month. Are you saying that you couldn't afford one forma? One hundred plastids? Ten polymer bundles? An equal amount for each person to contribute isn't unfair at all. What's unfair is joining a dojo and not helping out.

They que a room, get the supplies and set it to build before I can even do anything. What the hell am I supposed to do?

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I miss understood when what you meant when you said unable to contribute. What I'm suggestingis very similar to what tyr is talking about. A vault would be great, provides it would monitor and record contributions.I see no other way to be able to run a structered moon clan.

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Nightframe, for your problem, u could change which ranks are allowed to start building rooms and such. In my clan, "even though i built everything already" i set it so only me, and 4 of my friends can start rooms, while everyone else still has access to the dojo and research, they just can't build random crap.


*Currently in the process of tearing the dojo down and re-build everything so it's more organized"

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