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Twin Queens Speculation


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So... Our dear DE staff confirmed Vor's Prize quest will introduce the Twin Queens to the game. Will we kill them in this quest? I don't think so, because that's a quest for newbies, to get essential mods (Vitality, Redirection, Serration, Hornet Strike...) So they wouldn't waste the Queens of the Grineer to be a Boss in a starter quest. 


But anyway, how do you think the Twin Queens of the Grineer will look like? I have some ideas...


They might be deformed Siamese Twins, sitting in some kind of spider mechanical legs, you know those Grineer love body modifications. (Have you seen Vay Hek?!)


Or i was thinking, what if they are like deformed bodies suspended in some kind of gross liquid in a glass container, with lots of tubes and cables attached to them, so they would control mechanical arms and weapons from inside that glass box.


Or maybe i am completely wrong and that sketch a fairy princess that was shown in the last Live stream is actually one of them... And they would be just beautiful grineer ladies... Nah i don't think so XD


Anyway, i am so curious to see what the talented art team will come up for such important characters in the Warframe Universe. What you guys think the Twin Queens will look like?

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Although most might say they should be some grotesque, twisted, part-machine mess, I think it would be pretty cool if they were actually just perfect humans in huge exosuits. Kinda plays on the idea of them being destroyed by cloning, and the leaders being the last "pure" existence in the Grineer.

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I think they're going to be conjoined twins, augmented heavily by machinery and speaking in the raspiest, most ear-grating voice we've heard yet (think pre-Grineer language female Grineer voices). They're huge, armed to the teeth, and surrounded by Grineer Royal Guard as imposing as the Grustrag Three.


In short: I'd tap that.

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I still think they might be AIs. Something leftover from the orokin era trying to remake the present with whatever resources available in a fallen world. In this case, clones and lots of them.


More advanced than the tower neural sentries, but basically following the same gameplan, just in a far more sophisticated and ambitious manner.

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Grineer are bred and born from tubes. There is actually little chance these ladies are personally involved in the birthing business.


Since I doubt they are immune to aging, they just might be the latest iteration of queen clones and that would make them look somewhat like the rest of the female Grineer (degenerated limbs).


However, since they are not bred for combat but for leadership, they are probably extremely intelligent and charismatic for Grineer standards. They probably look more delicate than the other Grineer and are hooked up to supercomputers from which they control their vast empire.

Think, the Grineer version of the Lotus. Much like Borg queens.

I'm am very interested in their character. We know from the letters of Vor that they despise spirituality and believe in punishing failure.

Their cruelty is evident in how they run their Empire. But they might have redeeming traits we know nothing of, yet.


That being said, taking them out might be impossible, even for the Tenno. Too much security. So I doubt we will ever fight them directly.

Just as much as I doubt we will ever wipe out the entire Corpus board meeting.

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Grineer are bred and born from tubes. There is actually little chance these ladies are personally involved in the birthing business.


Since I doubt they are immune to aging, they just might be the latest iteration of queen clones and that would make them look somewhat like the rest of the female Grineer (degenerated limbs).


However, since they are not bred for combat but for leadership, they are probably extremely intelligent and charismatic for Grineer standards. They probably look more delicate than the other Grineer and are hooked up to supercomputers from which they control their vast empire.

Think, the Grineer version of the Lotus. Much like Borg queens.

I'm am very interested in their character. We know from the letters of Vor that they despise spirituality and believe in punishing failure.

Their cruelty is evident in how they run their Empire. But they might have redeeming traits we know nothing of, yet.


That being said, taking them out might be impossible, even for the Tenno. Too much security. So I doubt we will ever fight them directly.

Just as much as I doubt we will ever wipe out the entire Corpus board meeting.


I like this "Grineer Version of the Lotus" idea. Yeah i can totally picture them like two conjoined twins with body modifications connecting them directly to some huge computers.

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I think they will look human, because they were supposedly the ones who clone themselves. Then these clones are those annoying scorpions.


I hope when you get in the room, the Grustrag Three have a 100% chance of spawning, dropping from the ceiling to protect the queens.


Leekter: "Over my dead clones!"


Now just imagine having to play solo on this.

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Hell no! No responsible Grineer commander would ever let those three maniacs even be on the same planet as their queens.

These guys are defective and have an obedience problem. Absolutely unthinkable.

However, they'll probably have their very own elite guard that will make the Grustrags look like scum.

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Hell no! No responsible Grineer commander would ever let those three maniacs even be on the same planet as their queens.

These guys are defective and have an obedience problem. Absolutely unthinkable.

However, they'll probably have their very own elite guard that will make the Grustrags look like scum.


Will the guards point out the lovely scarfs we're wearing?

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"The Grustrag Three were formerly regular Grineer marines who (while aboard a troop transport) suddenly slaughtered their fellow comrades, claiming that they were growing "impatient for the killing". After being committed to the Grustrag Reconditioning Facility, Facility Director Tengus discovered that the marines suffer from a rare mutation brought about by cloning, vastly increasing their combat potential at the cost of deteriorating mental faculties.

Under Vay Hek's orders, The Grustrag Three are deployed with the sole purpose of attacking those who supported enemies of the Grineer."

Yeah i doubt they would let some psychopaths near their precious Queens.

Edited by RexSol
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Well since the grineer marines and warriors that we fight are more likely created by mass-production methods, and done quite frequently, I doubt that the queens would look anything like normal grineer.

I mean the higher ups in everything, Corpus, Grineer and even Warframes are the more "pristine" and "original" people from their respective area's.

If you think about it you can't even compare them to most of the grineer bosses we have at the moment, since most of them have taken on lots of combat modifications and probably died, A LOT, hence them being cloned a lot more than the queens.

Personally I would prefer rather than a traditional 1v2 (or 4v2) fight like lephantis, we should instead get something that really shows off the grineer cloning. Having absolute HORDES of enemies, not just 20-30 guards but hundreds upon hundreds of enemies coming in non-stop. Having to destroy the cloning machines in order to actually get enough breathing room to actually get to the queen without having a million grineer on your rear.

Also everyone saying the queens should have some crazy body modifications with giant machines and stuff, you have to remember one thing. While they're probably really old they have access to the most advanced grineer technology that exists, and all female grineer go through intense training. They wouldn't just be queens because of some lineage, they would be queens because they're the smartest and strongest grineer,

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