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Daily Reward Missing Due To Internet Failure.


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I was testing internet connectivity issues while logging in to Warframe and wasn't aware I was available for a daily reward. Logging in took a good 2 minutes, and finally let me in. When presented with the option to accept afterwards, I clicked accept several times and it just stayed on screen. Eventually I got a time out for internet failure and was forced to log off.


When I came back, the blueprint was gone. I honestly don't remember what it was, it was some tri tipped looking silver weapon, what I imagine was a melee device. I thought it started with an "S" but the only thing I see in the store that slightly resembles it is "Glaive".


I'm hoping they track daily rewards somehow, I was so excited when I had received a weapon blueprint since I always seem to get stuck with Sentinel Exp even though I don't have one, or some other form of exp.


Please let me know if there's a way to recover the daily reward, as I was not given the option for one a second time after relogging in. I could almost accept a re-roll more than losing the first item altogether, but I'd really hope to recover it if possible.


Thanks anyone who can help.

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