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Common Place/planet For Rare Mod



Hey guys, we as newbie here need some help. We need common place to get rare/useful mods. Sorry that we don't really understand about wiki like t3 defense/survival, direct place and planet will help us a lot. Here's some rare/useful mod we usually need :


Hornet strike

Barrel diffusion

Split chamber

Hell chamber




Ammo mutations

Elemental mods

Thank you before, it will help us as newbie a lot to get stronger.

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6 answers to this question

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If it'll lighten the load on you a little bit, I've gotten all my 7 Serrations so far from Apollodorus, Mercury. They mostly drop from Scorpion; the female Grineers who try to use "Ripline" on you. So I suggest staying for 20mins during each survival.


As for Hornet Strike, I've gotten my first one as a reward on Wave 10 at Lares, Mercury.

Streamline is also relatively easier to find that Serration as I've always gotten them from Apollodorus as well.


For Stretch, Apollodorus again since that's the easiest place to farm for those mods if you're first starting out.

But an alternative would be Phorid. On certain planets that the Infested are at, Phorid will drop Stretch for you. Can't remember which planet though...


>___<" Hope that helps.

Edited by AxialBlue
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Here's how it works. In survival/defense the rewards you receive every 5/10/20/25/35/40/50/55...etc mins/wave is determined by the mission tier (1,2,3). Each tier has its own drop table, for example, a certain mod such as serration can only be rewarded from a tier 2 reward pool and cannot be obtained from a tier 1. However, every 15th wave will always reward you with a tier 3 reward.


Refer to the planets and rewards in http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Defense for my examples below. (drop tables are outdated but the only thing that changed are banshee parts no longer rewarded, be wary that the defense mission may have different factions stated due to invasion alerts.)


Certain mods from defense rewards can only be rewarded by certain factions. For example, Hell's chamber can only be obtained from a tier 3 reward against grineers. While splitchamber can only be obtained from a tier 3 reward against corpus.


For example Lares Mercury has tier rewards of (1,2,3), a tier 1 reward at the 5th wave, tier 2 at 10th wave, and tier 3 at 15th wave. Then after the 15th wave, the tier rewards reset so that wave 20 = tier1, wave 25 = tier2, wave 30 = tier 3, resets for the next set of 15 waves etc. Every 15th wave will always reward a tier 3 from the grineer drop table including void keys and fusion cores.


Xini Eris for example has tiers rewards (2,2,3), which means that every 5th and 10th wave will reward you with tier 2 rewards (best chances for serration and hornet strike) and every 15th wave will yield a tier 3 corpus reward.


Another example is Casta Ceres which provide tier 3 rewards for EVERY wave, which makes it one of the best places to farm tier 3 rewards from the grineer drop table.

Edited by MrJxt
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