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A "class Forma"


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I think it would be good if we will have a "class forma" in order to polarize only one class instead of all the classes. It will only reset the level for one loadout and you will only change the polarities of one class. For example: (with forma) If I wanna polarize my Soma's B class, it may hurt my other classes. (with class forma) I wanna polarize my Soma's B class, now it will not effect my other classes and I can still play against high level enemies (with other classes) while leveling this class up :).


So what do you guys think about it?

Thank you for reading c::
Edited by Smokey-HQG
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I kind of argue with myself by saying that Warframe allows you to have multiple of the same item. You could go get another one of the weapon or frame and forma it in a different way if you really wanted two versions... but on the other hand the items I care most about tend to be exclusives or rare events...  so... yeah, I'll +1 it...


I would probably not ever use the feature myself, but I can see the limitation it would alleviate. 


Something to think about for Mods 3.0 in 2018. :P

Edited by VKhaun
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but it will make no sense at all :)

A B C are just load out

at the end its the same weapon

same weapon cant be formated in diferent at same time

Not entirely. If you think about it, mods are just software that you install to the weapon or frame systems to gain new functionality of the hardware.

Just like having Linux and Windows installed on the same PC and choosing what to load for what you want to do.

Makes perfect sense

Edit: the different polarity in ABC are the systems or the OS in my PC analogy

Edited by Demon_Mask
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Why would a technologicaly advanced race limit themselves in that way. That doesn't make sense.

ABC classes are different OS configurations that the weapon or frame (hardware) loads prior to a mission. It then has software (mods) loaded in that match the OS that was loaded to make the hardware function in the desired way.

You see?

Currently ABC is pointless. It's not true to its potential by a long shot.

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How about if you Forma a weapon, you can add and change whatever polarity you want in each class differently?


So if you Forma Soma, you can add a "V" to class A, "D" to class B and a "-" to class C. Later down the road you might want to change class C to "V" and you can, just like how we can swap polarities around now if you Forma your weapon at least once.

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How about if you Forma a weapon, you can add and change whatever polarity you want in each class differently?


So if you Forma Soma, you can add a "V" to class A, "D" to class B and a "-" to class C. Later down the road you might want to change class C to "V" and you can, just like how we can swap polarities around now if you Forma your weapon at least once.

It might work as well but what if I don't want to forma all of them and I want to forma just one of my loadouts? In that case the "class forma" comes. now you will be able to forma just one of the loadouts (the one loadout that you want to forma),

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