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Ideas For Improving Survival


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"Players will have to fight an endless, steady stream of enemies to survive for as long as possible while slowly losing life support. Each kill will have a chance to drop personal life support modules that restores 4% of the life support system.

Occasionally the Lotus will drop off life support capsules that restore 30% on activation, starting fairly frequently but the time between drops will get progressively longer.

After 5 minutes, the Extraction point will be enabled and marked on the minimap, and the squad can choose between rushing to it for completion or staying on for a longer period of time.

When the life support system reaches 0%, all squad members' shields will start draining followed by their health, in a manner similar to a hull breach but at a much faster rate. The health drain will stop at 5 HP for 5 minutes - making any damage lethal - and teammates who are killed can be revived normally. No more life support capsules will be dropped, enemies will stop dropping the life support modules, and all remaining life support modules on the map will become unusable. After this point the mission can still be completed if at least one player reaches Extraction. However, if all players die, the squad will fail. After 5 minutes, the health drain will continue past 5 HP and will kill everyone.


Update 10.3 changed the extraction mechanics; previously, a single squad member could rush to extraction and after 1 minute, the mission would end. Now, if there is still life support remaining, at least half of the squad members must be at extraction for the mission to end. (2 if 4 team members, 2 if 3, or 1 if only you and another team member are in the game).

When Survival missions become Nightmare Modes, players will receive both the Nightmare reward and the normal Survival mode reward when completing the mission. Note that even though Nightmare mode enemies are usually higher level, the Survival mode rewards will be based on the mission's original enemy levels. On the other hand, if there is an Alert Survival mission, players will only receive the specified Alert reward."

~Warframe wiki

   You know when you run out of life support capsules? Hate it? 

   Well here are some ideas...

1) Heavy units should ALWAYS drop a life support modules.

    *Ratatatatatata* You kill a napalm. You spent around 5 seconds to gun it down. You could have used these 5 seconds to kill 15 weaker enemies, which each all have a chance to drop LS, but the napalm will only drop 1 LS if he does. Obviously it is not worth it to kill heavies.

2) ALL units should drop LS.

  Although contradictory to my previous statement, it only makes sense that all enemies drop LS. What happens when LS runs out? Those units WITHOUT LS SHOULD die. Logic.

3) Credit caches.

  Credit Caches sure are a problem. Last livestream, over half of the survival rewards Rebecca got were Credit Caches. Even the devs face problems with CCs, but they do not fix them. I don't think I'll waste a T3 key on 40/5=8 8x5000=40000 credits. It is a hammer in the face when you struggle on to survive with 19% left only to find out the next reward is a CC. 

4) Cores

  Same thing, getting an uncommon 5 core is mule's kick in the face. An R5 core MIGHT be fine, but I can just get an Uncommon core from a Lancer.

5) Resources

  Morphics? Orokin Cells? No thanks. I can just get these right off normal mobs.

6) Some mods

  Serration? Hornet strike? Cleanse Grineer? AREYOU. SERIOUS.


Edited by Xhos
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Copy Pastes work weird on DE forums. 


As far as your points go:



1.) Initially heavy units are cake, if you lack the sufficient DPS to down them in a few seconds, you are likely not supposed to be there.

The longer you stay, the harder they get, and are not to be considered a reasonable source of LS, doesn't mean they shouldn't drop them however.

In short, it is just as viable to kill heavies as it is to kill weaker units. Your DPS is in question here.

2.)    All units have a chance to drop LS, not sure what you are saying.

If you ran out of LS, you have failed, I don't see how enemy death should matter at this point.

3.) credit caches are annoying yes. But, if you like prime trading, they are an evil that will never be patched out.

Credit caches are the filler that cause BP's and Prime parts to be desired and sought after. Can't farm T3's well enough? Not their problem. Just promotes you cashing in on it. (I do believe they should be lowered somewhat even then)

4.) see three

5.) Not every player is a resource laden bloat who only needs the rarest of rare components.

I find the rare resources to be fine as running newer members through T2-T3 content tends to get them more than just what is expected.

6.) Mod drops have always been part of survival, never really had an issue with them.


It really feels like a "I can't get this thing I wanted and the game should be altered accordingly" type post.


I am sure there are some well meaning points into it, however, this is the nature of the system.

Mag prime and Frost Prime were way to easy to obtain.

I feel that Ember Prime was the closest to reasonable we had.

Rhino Prime is likely in the same boat as ember prime, just reliant on T3 makes it feel harder as the key itself isn't as common.


In short:



Its probably working as intended to promote and support the prime trading functionality that was added.

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as the gentleman a couple of posts above stated proper survival mode is what will make survival perfect, no oxigen, just 4 tennos killing things until they can't do it anymore, as usual after 5 mins extraction is available, if not you can be there as long as your weapons, abilities and skill allow you, if all 4 tennos get downed it's a mission failure, if not they keep killing stuff. SURVIVAL.

Edited by Orbister
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Also, + a single Nova.

= fireworks


Also make some insectoid infested DE! A Survival mission were you have to really survive would be best.


BTW, Survival on Earth is confusing as hell, so is Ice on VENUS tbh

Edited by Kao-Snake
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