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Prime Appearances (Post Devstream 25)


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In the back half of the stream the guys started talking about how the art director (Mickey?) was frustrated over players being able to alter the primes appearances. Also that the jury is still in on taking this prove large away.

Scott said his reasoning is to maintain visual cohesion, but that doesn't make sense. Isn't the prime just a "supercharged" version of the former? And aren't all the helmets design to accompany the aesthetics of the former?

It just makes sense that the helmets for the former can apply nicely to the prime, I'm at a loss if an argument for not allowing this? Or am I just not looking at it the right way?

Also I don't really understand retiring the stat'd helms and introducing bland ones, isn't that gonna double most of our inventories?

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No comment or care about Primes w/ alt helmets, but you have the option to keep your stat helmet(s) or crafting the statless counterpart(s).  You are not forced to craft them.


Not like there's a limit to the number of alt helmets you can have, anyway.

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Mickey? That's Mynki! :D

I think Prime Warframes, like any of the Warframes should incorporate customization.

When a player uses it, they want to make it their own... they already change colors, add accessoiries...

Might as well go the stretch and allow for more things!

I understand that Mynki fears that compability with the old helmets limit's the places a Warframe can go from a redesigning standpoint, however...

It wouldn't even be wrong to make a special "Prime" Version of alternate helmets only available for plat.

That way everyone who wants to change the look of their frame can do so, and they get enumerated for it.

Not to mention selling cosmetics is the most noble of F2P practices.

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Primes aren't supercharge alternate s, they're built with a focus on the Void. The o ly benefits from having a Prime comes from being in the Void and having one slot you dont have to polarize.

Mynky's the art guy, and I can understand his frustration with the helm detracting from the Primes.

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In the back half of the stream the guys started talking about how the art director (Mickey?) was frustrated over players being able to alter the primes appearances. Also that the jury is still in on taking this prove large away.


'Frustrated'? Why on earth would he be frustrated?


It may be his art direction but we're the ones playing playing the game too. The more customization the better. Does he not understand this?


I'm not so keen on this idea of him 'forcing' this art direction on us. It's like BF3/4 with their horrible tints and the supernova sun. Give us the ability to choose. His main art direction will be maintained but come on? Frustrated over players being able to choose what THEY like? If anything they would be placeholders until (possibly) the defaults alternates turn into Prime alternates or something.


This is edging near the discussion of people asking for the older Prime frames to be updated as they look lackluster compared to the new but supposedly, 'they're fine, don't want to ruin the artistic direction and vision' even though they were created before the new adventurous primes. 

Edited by Naith
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To play Devil's Advocate.. There is a reason why Alt helmets wouldn't work on Primes.. 

Backwards Compatability.

Primes came first, yeah? They were all fancy and perfect.

Then [insert Lore Here], now Primes are commodities, and we run around in, effectively, mass-produced imitations of them. They're 1.0, and we're 1.2

Now, for those of us who use software like Photoshop or Maya..

What happens when you try open a Maya 2014 ASCII file in Maya 2012? 

You can't. They are not backwards compatible.

Where am I going with this? I don't know, really. Food for thought, if nothing else.

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To play Devil's Advocate.. There is a reason why Alt helmets wouldn't work on Primes.. 


I see where you're coming from and that's completely understandable. However, it seems the one primary problem (of a few) coming to the table is the 'art direction compatibility', rather than functionality.

Edited by Naith
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I see where you're coming from and that's completely understandable. However, it seems the one primary problem (of a few) coming to the table is the 'art direction compatibility', rather than functionality.

I meant it as a vague metaphor that could cover both, but there are plenty of arguments on both sides.

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