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You Want To Keep Arc Traps? Here's How.


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The main problem with the Arc Traps is that the geometry within the Grineer tilesets allows them to spawn in such positions that you can't possibly defend yourself against them. Even if you use the Codex to spot them, you will have to expose yourself to at least one pulse of damage because you have to enter their line of sight in order to shoot them.


The range, 360 degrees cone-of-fire and instantaneous damage are the inherent flaws to these things. You can get rid of that by reworking the Arc Traps into Arc Mines. Here are two suggestions of how to do this:


Example 1 - Mine:



Example 2 - Tripwire:



 - They would not just spawn around doors, but on any walkway within the tileset; the Mines on the floor and the Tripwires between walls/pillars.

 - They would be camouflaged by having a dark, green colour (they would be a lot harder to spot than in my example, I chose a well-lit screenshot for clarity. In the darker reaches of the Grineer ships/installation they wouldn't be visible until you get close to them).

 - You'd be able to spot the light on top of them (perhaps it should blink) and the laser going between the tripwire would become more visible the closer you get.

 - They might also have an audio cue that would become louder the closer you get. Maybe.

 - Triggering them would do moderate damage, with 100% chance for the Electric status effect.


Now you have something that will truly bother rushers, without feeling cheap and anti-fun for the rest of us. The player would actively have to make the mistake of triggering them rather than the trap instantaneously trigger as soon as the player gets within range. Being proximity-based you also remove the issue of geometry shielding them - unless you get near them, it doesn't matter if it "sees" you before you see it.

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I do like this idea, I believe it has been suggested but still no addition. The main problem with this is it will take a lot of work to get it to happen. They would have to build he thing that detects us (probably using a lot of the same code as cameras but it would need to be modified) as well as the art design and spawning mechanics to make this not look terrible.


Another option would be to have a 1-3 second charge time before the arc trap attacks you after it detects you. It would be nice if, during this time, you would hear them charge up, but that is not needed. This would allow you to either 1.get out of range or 2. shoot it before it fires. As long as it requires Line of Sight to hit us this would allow 1-3 seconds to shoot it and remove the problem you described.

Edited by liavalenth
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I would Prefer this over the Arc traps. I mean it would make sense,  yes having the enemy place down trip wire and such.  As I said in a previous topic, the one thing that I think they could work on better is placement.  I do understand that some people don't want to [or due to situations like waves of enemys surrounding] or cannot focus on a arc trap but the things [at least for my playstyle] are not that bad. 


They make me take longer but so do the Doors with cameras/scanners [to a lesser degree], I don't get the hate on these outside of the fact that they ninja and would prefer if they had some type of warning but yet they are traps, they are not supposed to be nice.  The damage on them tickles so that isnt the case, unless you get more than one on you and then you should probably back up and try to take them out if you can. 

Edited by Sibarian
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I do like this idea, I believe it has been suggested but still no addition. The main problem with this is it will take a lot of work to get it to happen. They would have to build he thing that detects us (probably using a lot of the same code as cameras but it would need to be modified) as well as the art design and spawning mechanics to make this not look terrible.


If you take the current Arc Trap model and spray-paint it "Grineer Dark Green" you would end up with a nice mine.



Another option would be to have a 1-3 second charge time before the arc trap attacks you after it detects you. It would be nice if, during this time, you would hear them charge up, but that is not needed. This would allow you to either 1.get out of range or 2. shoot it before it fires. As long as it requires Line of Sight to hit us this would allow 1-3 seconds to shoot it and remove the problem you described.


Indeed, that'd work too. The instantaneous trigger is the biggest flaw.

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if the arc traps are meant to deter rushers, they fail horribly. the best way to evade the traps IS to rush.


Pretty much yeah. Since they don't deliver all the damage up front (like the Broken Lights) it just makes much more sense to take one pulse of damage and rush past them.

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Arc traps have a second problem that should be addressed. The Instant trigger is the biggest problem and needs to go, but another problem is how common they are. Seriously sometimes there are 7-10 in one room. Cut down to a max of 3 per room please.

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Mhm now THIS is a good solution.

DE your Arc Traps aren't 'fixed' like you claim. At their core, heck not even at their core they essentially are still the same Broken Lights from before, just DOT rather than Insta-Hit.

If you are so SO proud of yourselves to remove an asset (Nervos was removed, why can't something else go too?) then at least work it into something that rewards carefulness and observation rather than the unsettling design you have right now.

And this idea actually fits more the hurr durr military style of the Grineer than the current things that exist in the game.

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Now you have something that will truly bother rushers, without feeling cheap and anti-fun for the rest of us. The player would actively have to make the mistake of triggering them rather than the trap instantaneously trigger as soon as the player gets within range. Being proximity-based you also remove the issue of geometry shielding them - unless you get near them, it doesn't matter if it "sees" you before you see it.

So, the traps are suppose to deter rushers?


I guess buying Rhino Prime was a good deal. Almost/as fast as Loki and has a shield that nothing can get past.


Personally, I don't see this as adding content or "fun" to the game. To me, it just seems to try and deter a playstyle, but in the end it just reinforces an even worse situation, and that is the lack of choice.


If I want to rush a mission, I can do so as Loki, Rhino Prime, Nova, Ash or any other frame that has ~1.10 with a maxed Rush, however with the inclusions with these traps, I am now forced to use Rhino Prime, and only Rhino Prime, otherwise I face a quick death unless I have a max redirection(or vitality since the traps can hit health through the shield(yes, this has happened to me)).


To be fair, I only rush when I'm solo'ing or with my personal friends. If I join an online game with randoms, I don't rush except when it's an invasion mission and it's about to be completed.


So why is rushing so unpopular? I want to go fast, not to just complete the objective; but to beat my friends in a foot race to extraction, to test my reflexes when running by enemies & killing them quickly and to see if the game can keep up with me.


This is my preferred playstyle unless I'm doing Defense or Survival, or in a public game. Why am I being punished?

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This is my preferred playstyle unless I'm doing Defense or Survival, or in a public game. Why am I being punished?


Don't ask us.


Ask DE.


They are the ones who are trying to constantly crack down on it.

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Don't ask us.


Ask DE.


They are the ones who are trying to constantly crack down on it.

Then why are you reinforcing their intention?


Not to start a flame war here, but obviously I want these traps completely removed, however these threads pop up suggesting a different alternative that affects my playstyle.


So, I am asking you, and everyone else that is suggesting alternatives instead of removing them completely. Why am I being punished for wanting to play a certain way? I am in no way breaking or manipulating the game. I'm not cheating, glitching(I don't zorencopter), nor use methods to my advantage. I'm using the game the way it is intended. Why is this being changed?

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Chondo he wants them removed, gone, bye bye.

But DE is just too stuck up on pride of their little creation right now so it'll be difficult to remove it. If they want to keep it it has to be kept in a proper way.

Edited by RahuStalker
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Then why are you reinforcing their intention?


Not to start a flame war here, but obviously I want these traps completely removed, however these threads pop up suggesting a different alternative that affects my playstyle.


So, I am asking you, and everyone else that is suggesting alternatives instead of removing them completely. Why am I being punished for wanting to play a certain way? I am in no way breaking or manipulating the game. I'm not cheating, glitching(I don't zorencopter), nor use methods to my advantage. I'm using the game the way it is intended. Why is this being changed?

You know if they add the charge time thing it would remove the main problem people have, them being unavoidable due to instantanious attack when in  LoS, and not punish rushers.


Further, if they did implement the OPs idea, it would harm rushers no more than it already does while being better for everyone else. It would not be a detriment to your style, just not an improvement to it. And, as they currently work, rushing past them means you take a lot less damage than if you explore, and you run into less of them, so rushing is not as punished as exploring at the moment.


EDIT: also, I have no problem with rushers and have not met anyone in game (although a lot of posts here, unsure why that is) who has a problem with them as long as they do not complain about other people going slow.

Edited by liavalenth
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Then why are you reinforcing their intention?


Because they are obviously not intending to change their opinion on this. They are not going to remove the traps. If they are hell-bent on keeping these stupid Arc Traps, altering them to make them more logical and less annoying is the lesser of two evils.


I've tried to argue for the removal of the Arc Traps entirely (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/199803-just-remove-the-arc-traps-de/) to no avail.



EDIT: also, I have no problem with rushers and have not met anyone in game (although a lot of posts here, unsure why that is) who has a problem with them as long as they do not complain about other people going slow.


^This times a million. Unless they start whining about how the rest of us dares to keep them waiting at Extraction, I have no problems with rushers. Hallway Heroes are far more of an issue than rushers will ever be.


EDIT: How do I grammars?

Edited by Brimir
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