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Why Death Mark Doesn't Work.



Hi guys! It's just really fast topic with simple question. Why does nothing attack me? I have 100% SURE Stalker death mark and rank 6th and I'm playing since January and Stalker (or anything else) didn't attack me. It's two months and it's annoying. Can you tell me what's going on?

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8 answers to this question

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Stalker and other "hunters" usually spawn when you are leveling a new frame or new weapons. They are programmed to catch you off guard, so to say. If you want higher chances of them to spawn, try doing missions with group of people that also have the mark, that increases spawn chance.

Good that grustag three attacked my friend (and me cause I was standing in the way) when we were "leveling" our 30 lvls frames. That doesn't makes any sense. I just heard it's 3,5% chance of spawning a death mark boss. But if so then I have like 657 missions (counting the undone). After some maths my calculator says that I was attacked by death mark boss 22 times ( and .995). But none ever attacked directly me. I met 2 maybe three times Stalker and once the Grustrag three but I was never their target.

Edited by RadioLarity
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Stalker and other "hunters" usually spawn when you are leveling a new frame or new weapons. They are programmed to catch you off guard, so to say. If you want higher chances of them to spawn, try doing missions with group of people that also have the mark, that increases spawn chance.


Running with other who have the mark is probably the best thing, especially if you want them to come after you. It'll increase the chance, not only for you but for the others as well.


Not seeing these mini-bosses (good enough name right?) is just all on chance. I was marked for Harvester and he, or she, hadn't shown up until 2 weeks after receiving the mark. So, they'll come but just not on your watch.

Edited by Ekolae
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Running with other who have the mark is probably the best thing, especially if you want them to come after you. It'll increase the chance, not only for you but for the others as well.


Not seeing these mini-bosses (good enough name right?) is just all on chance. I was marked for Harvester and he, or she, hadn't shown up until 2 weeks after receiving the mark. So, they'll come but just not on your watch.

Yeah. He hadn't shown up until two weeks. FOR YOU. Stalker hadn't shown up for me EVER. It was like I dunno... Month and a half?

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Took the stalker 9 months and 2 days before he showed up, and then grustrag trio the following day and stalker again the day after. Yet my friends manage to pull stalker atleast once a week. Just gotta wait them out.

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While I cannot tell you any definite info on Stalker death marks, I would recommend that you fight all the bosses in the system before you start going HAM on the actual spawn farming. I have been solo testing things in the Void (T2 and T3 exterminates only) all day, and I got attacked by the Stalker two times in 4 runs, with no boss runs in between of any kind in order to refresh my mark. I got attacked for a Raptor mark followed by a Kril mark. Literally just killed the Stalker the second time for my Kril mark.


still no hate tho

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