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Tenno Tower Keys (In 'some What' Detail)


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So this in theory would directly effect the rewards percentages on two different items in the tower reward table(s).


-Prime warframe

-Prime weapon


The idea is to just mimic the blueprint of the OD vault keys, but only make two keys 'Tenno tower keys'.

The keys would be stackable between a group of four tenno, each tenno only equiping one tenno key at a time during

the whole tower mission.


Tenno tower Key1

-Increases prime warframe rewards by __%

-Decreases abilities by __%

-Reduction of shields by __%


Tenno tower Key2

-Increases prime weapon rewards by __%

-Decreases base/status weapon damage by __%

-Decreases warframe health by __%


These could either be pumped into the game via blueprint on the markets for credits like OD vault keys, or only given out through Alert mission (pushing for at least a cycle of 2 keys per 24hours). With a build time of an hour each (as per say the OD assassination keys).


This is just an idea, and I'm not even sure if someone else brought this theory into light to try to resolve the Void tower reward tables.. Which kind of cannot satisfy anyone.


On a side note, I hope the credits get removed from all reward tables or get an significant increase in the amount given.


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So again in theory you could run 2 of each key or everyone runs the same key, making a significant increase in the prime piece you want at minute 20+


But again, you would have to complete the mission in order to obtain the rewards, and with these tenno keys it is basically making these towers if not just as hard as Nightmare missions, but a lot more "nightmare'ish".. basically to the point where your failing missions at minute 30-35 even with top gear, bringing more skill in your warframe builds against what the 'normal' would be and actually sticking with your fellow tennos instead of soloing a few rooms alone till minute 55.


Just an idea/theory, this most likely isn't a top pick or on any devs radar to do.. but it is kind of limitless on how you can reward people for actually spending the time and skills on a 3rd person shooter game ..(or soon to be 3rd person melee 2.0 game..)

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