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Kryptonite! Dynomite!


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I'm not sure if I'm going to hate myself for this, but, here goes.


Make materials provide the Tenno with a debilitating effect.  The type of the effect would depend on the material.  Strength of the effect would depend on the drop rate of the material.  So, a low drop rate could have no effect, and a high drop rate, a significant effect.


Unlike enemies, the Tenno can't kill the effect because it's environmental.  This has two advantages.  First, it preserves the suspension of disbelief required to play squad vs. horde without having to beef up the horde in silly ways.  You could even use it in Tenno Squad vs. Elite Enemy Squad or Enemy Boss to essentially toughen up the enemy without actually giving them the technology which would imply that the Tenno should not "exist".  Remember, the enemy have the numerical advantage.  Adding a technological advantage, or even parity, would imply that the Tenno should be extinct. 


[[in fact, as a tangent, it would be an advantage for the Tenno to promote in fighting among the enemy and subvert enemy unity/cohension.  Maybe there are some ideas there for missions and stuff.  Well, the Grineer already have the regulator, so ........]]


For maximum advantage (or greedy milk if you will, nyuk nyuk nyuk), the effects should correlate with play style.  Since we have players with strong play style preferences which hate each other's play styles and refuse to share the game, this idea would be a form of sandbox that allows players to share the game even though they don't want to play with each other.


Furthermore, Scott acknowledged in Livestream #25 that the forums give conflicting messages.  Sandboxing is the best way of dealing with this that I am aware of.  Or, call it Separation of Concerns if you want.  This idea allows that.  Missions can also do that and the two can work together.


For example, there are players who think Warframe is a gun game (and a spend your time on the forums railing for nerfs game) and are just totally miffed by AoE spam.  What can I say?  Strange things happen.  Puppies get lost.  So, if you had a material(s) that debilitates AoE spam, then the gun play players can have their fun and not feel oppressed by the AoE spammers.


Material trading could be allowed so that people who hate playing those conditions can get their material without suffering those conditions.  There could be mitigating mods.  Potential abounds.


Now, hopefully, DE will NOT use this as a Trojan Nerf Horse as they have done with so many ideas in the past.


EDIT:  For S#&$s and giggles, DE could go full environmental and have environments where a particular energy type is duffed or nerfed.  It could make it fun to use certain weapons, or loadouts.  I haven't thought of the implications of this last idea.   Just putting it out there.  Who doesn't want to use synapse knee deep in a swamp?

Edited by ThePresident777
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This would be much better for nightmare missions


Instead of completely trashing key things we need to survive like shields why not just apply a nerf to our shields.


Your idea makes much more sense.


I suppose you mean a situational nerf such as a location specific environmental condition as I am advocating for in this thread?

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