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Looking For Help Gathering Info On Enemy Leaders



Leader units seem to have different stats. In addition to simply being higher level than the normal mobs around them, their stats sometimes appear to be boosted beyond that. A level 49 Corrupted Heavy Gunner leader unit, for instance, displayed armor values closer to that of a level 73 unit. On the other hand, I've had other Corrupted Heavy Gunner leader units take exactly the damage as expected of their level. I am assuming that it also has something to do with their leader "type" (ex. blast or ice).


What I'm asking for is, assuming nobody has formulas already to straight up calculate their unique values, is for people to just simply tell me how much damage they did with their weapon (and build) to what level and type leader unit. If possible, a ballpark estimate of their health and shield values, too, but I won't really expect that much.


Ex. Dread with A,B,C mods did X damage to level Y Ice Corrupted Heavy Gunner leader on body shot

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I've been ripped apart by Leader Heavy Gunners amazingly quickly that were technically the same level, so I know their damage values are also increased as well. The problem is, like you said, no way to Codex confirm some of their info here.


But yeah; they're definitely tougher to an unconfirmed degree both offensively and defensively. I don't think their actual RESISTANCE values are different in terms of ELEMENTS, but the degree of effectiveness could be scaled differently due to armor values.

Edited by KoshLovesYou
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Still looking for info on this stuff. Particularly looking for info on Lifesteal, Ice, and Fire leaders.


Edit: damage numbers on Caustic, Energy (whatever the hell they are), and Venemous Ancients are nice as well, but not as important to me.

Edited by omgwtflolbbl
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Ice leaders pack a huge punch. Like, HUUGE. A level 15 Ice Leader Corpus Tech was able to down my Vauban (R8 Redirection, no Vitality) from full shields and health with three bullets. A level 9 Ice Leader Grineer Lancer was able to take out my Loki's decoy in roughly two seconds (R8 Redirection, no Vitality; stats identical to the Loki that casted it).

I haven't taken any hits from a Grineer Seeker Ice Leader yet, but I assume that mid-leveled ones are likely capable of one-shotting you with ease.

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That would be good.


To be clear, I do not care about the damage the enemy leaders do. I am specifically looking for how much damage you are doing to the leaders, depending on your weapon, the enemy leader type (ice, guardian, etc.), and their level. Some leader types appear to have fairly straightforward stats, while others appear to have very strange built in defensive perks.


Edit: For instance, some Ancient leader types appear to take less damage than other leader types, despite not appearing to have any armor (red vs. yellow health bars), nor can the reduction in damage be explain by a difference in health type (ex. changing from fossilized to sinew or whatever).


This, solid burst fire mechanics, and proc spread mechanics are the 3 things I'm testing atm. This one happens to be the most annoying to get info on since leaders don't really spawn a whole lot and I have no control over which types spawn, and it's easier if I get info from multiple types of weapons. I really need to rank up so I can test more efficiently...

Edited by omgwtflolbbl
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What I am going to do is save the screen shots and only link them if you need it, just so the page doesn't take forever to load, OK?

I'll use this post to fill in more leaders as I get them with the same weapon.


Frontier Grineer:

Karak on a Frontier butcher life steal leader level 10: 342 damage on a body-shot.

Karak on a Frontier Lancer ice leader level 10: 332 damage on a body-shot.

Karak on a Frontier Trooper life steal leader level 10: 482 damage on a body-shot. <---edit: had wrong name

Karak on a Frontier hellion ice leader level 9: 335 damage on a body-shot.


Nuovo Grineer:

Karak on an elite lancer ice leader level 36: 284 damage on a body shot

Karak on a Trooper fire leader level 36: 218 damage on a body shot.


Corrupted: Gunner

Karak on corrupted heavy gunner ice leader level 31:103 damage on a body shot.

Karak on corrupted heavy gunner fire leader level 33: 96 damage on a body shot.

Karak on corrupted heavy gunner life steal leader level 33: 141 damage on a body shot.


Corrupted: Ancients

Karak on corrupted ancient Venoms elder level 33: 202 damage on a body shot. <----Found another one, deleted old entry.

Karak on corrupted ancient Sanguine ancient elder level 33: 379 damage on a body shot.

Karak on corrupted ancient Caustic ancient leader level 31: 202 damage

Karak on corrupted ancient Energy leach leader level 34: 202 damage


Corrupted: MoA

Karak on corrupted MoA guardian leader level 48 :299 on a foot shot (health hit) <----not sure what info is relevant for you


Corpus: MoA

Latron-p, on a MoA Guardian leader level 18: Critical hit on the MoA's head for 1597 yellow damage and 286 blue.

Latron-p, on an Anti moa Guardian leader level 21: 501 damage on a shield hit targeting its head. Hit that broke shield and hit health did 172 blue damage 542 white damage.


Karak, on MoA blast leader level 49: 302 shield damage.

When shields were fully broken: 400 damage on health, but screen shot did go off at right time and this could be wrong.


Corpus: Crewmen

Karak,on Crewmen Guardian leader level 51: 160 shield damage (No health hit for this entry, because it was bad timing) 


Mods equipped:


Serration 10

Heavy caliber 10

Split chamber 5

Shred 5

Cyro Round 5

Infected clip 5

High voltage 3

Hellfire 5


Edited: for typos: The ones listed should be right, but if you think one is wrong let me know and I'll double check I got the name right(Would be compared to screen shots).


Latron prime's mods


Shred 5 

Serration 10

Cyro Round 5

Infected clip 5

malignant 3

High voltage 3

Hellfire 5

Storm bringer 5


Ui's stats for it


22 impact

180 puncture

22 slash

540 viral

540 radiation


I will add corpus in as I get them.

Edited by LazyKnight
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If you scan them, they appear in your codex. It'll give you readouts on what they've got equipped and what special mods they drop.

Ooh, really? This is news to me. Scanning them didn't do anything for weeks and weeks after their release.

Time to get scanning, then. XD

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Karak on corrupted venom ancient elder level 34: 140 damage on a body shot.

I haven't gone over all of your data yet, but if you have a screenshot of this and you happen to have your crosshairs still over the ancient, that'd be awesome if you could post it. 140 damage is a pretty drastic damage reduction for your setup, a whole lot more drastic than the damage reduction I encountered. My testing on corrupted ancients showed no changes in damage based on the levels of the actual ancients, but I do only have one point of data on venomous types.

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I haven't gone over all of your data yet, but if you have a screenshot of this and you happen to have your crosshairs still over the ancient, that'd be awesome if you could post it.



Edit: I had a puncture effect on me, and that could explains the disparity. None of my other screen shots have any effects on my Excalibur (I double checked). I'll see if I can find another, anyway, to see what numbers I get.

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I killed a caustic ancient elder level 31 with that same karak build and did 202 damage.

Caustic ancient's screenshot




I'll keep an eye out for another high level venoms elder and post the screenshot if required.


Edit: just for reference: My build does 379 to normal corrupted ancients on a body shot.

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Interesting, I would have expected that build to do ~358 damage without Rifle Amp on regular body shots.

Based on how the Ui Changes when I use mods, the base stats for karak are not 26 base. At least one of the I/s/p have an unlisted .5 damage. A karak damage is closer to 27 base if the stats in the UI are looked at after both a Heavy caliber and Serration are equipped at max rank.

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Can you tell me what your arsenal lists?

This is without split chamber all other mods are the same list in the previous page:


53 Impact

35 puncture

29 slash

177 radiation

212 viral


With split chamber and all mods same as listed on previous page.


106 Impact

70 puncture

59 slash

354 radiation

424 viral

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Ugh, I don't understand what DE is thinking at all with numbers like that. IIRC, Arsenal rounds down, so Karak definitely has a base damage higher than 27 (~27.4), instead of the supposed 26. Its slash damage is much closer to 7 than it is to 6.

Edited by omgwtflolbbl
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 140 damage is a pretty drastic damage reduction for your setup, a whole lot more drastic than the damage reduction I encountered.

It was the fault of that puncture effect I had on me and did not notice. Venoms ancient have massive poison AoE, it is not safe to get screenshots even with a radial blind Excalibur.


I killed another level 33 venoms ancient and did 202 damage. Only the sanguine seem to have no armor increase

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To begin with, they shouldn't have armor - their health bars are red, not yellow, and armored units definitely go from yellow to red when armor is reduced to (near) zero. That was part of the reason I asked if your screenshot happened to hover over the unit. I did ask someone to check if Corrosive procs have any effects on these units, regardless.


For comparison, my Dread does a regular body shot damage of 8768 to a Corrupted Ancient, and 6436 damage to a Caustic/Energy/Venomous Corrupted Ancient.  You only do 53% damage to the Ancient leaders that have some type of damage reduction while I still do 73% damage. Level is irrelevant as far as I can tell; my damage values did not change regardless of a level 20-60 Corrupted Ancient leader.


For Life Steal leaders, the units appear to have armor equivalent to their scaled up level (a level 31 HG LS leader seems to have the armor of a level 31 HG), and triple the health of their base level (~3x the HP of a level 21 HG). I will have to check more on the health part, though. I only had one test on a level 31 LS HG, and it took 7392 damage + 11 jump kicks to kill (lol), which lines up fairly close to 7423.5 theoretical HP.


Shields do not appear to scale at all from the Corrupted Moas that I have tested. They seem to always have the regular shield amount of their base level, ex. a level 33 Guardian Corrupted Moa will have the shields of a level 22 Corrupted Moa. As far as actual damage reduction on those goes, I'm not quite sure yet.


It's also notable that some leaders appear to have some kind of resistance to slash proc damage that I haven't seen elsewhere. I will need to gimp my weapons some to be able to reliably test that, though.


I will probably go more into testing leaders personally later this week, as I have a fairly busy week coming up. I really appreciate the data though.

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To begin with, they shouldn't have armor - their health bars are red, not yellow, and armored units definitely go from yellow to red when armor is reduced to (near) zero. That was part of the reason I asked if your screenshot happened to hover over the unit. I did ask someone to check if Corrosive procs have any effects on these units, regardless.

It would likely just be a damage reduction or DR ratting since they are fossilized (I should not have said armor).


Corrosive has no effect on them anyway, I ran enough voids with corrosive and I never noticed a proc doing anything on them (I know that is an unreliably statement)



You only do 53% damage to the Ancient leaders that have some type of damage reduction while I still do 73% damage. Level is irrelevant as far as I can tell; my damage values did not change regardless of a level 20-60 Corrupted Ancient leader.

Did you use radiation and viral? Do you know if they have the same resistance found in the codex for their lesser cousins?

Edited by LazyKnight
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