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Allixe's Emporium (Prime Parts And Mods)

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Okay, it seems i always forget to update this post so if there's something here that you

like that is listed as out of stock, send me pm here or in-game and maybe i just have new stock. :)

Press Ctrl+F to quickly find what you need.


Current Status: offline

Current Trades Left: 2


★★★Currently out of stock on maxed mods and prime sets. Check back later and thanks to those who bought.★★★


---------------------------------------------------------------------Maxed Mods----------------------------------------------------------------------


Continuity(0)- 15p

Heavy Caliber(0) - 300p

Natural Talent(1) - 15p

Redirection(0) - 80p

Serration(1) - 200p

Steel Fiber(0) - 80p

Toxic Barrage(1) - 100p

Vitality(0) - 80p


★★★Special Deals★★★

Redirection+Steel Fiber+Vitality(0) = 200p

Heavy Caliber+Serration(0) = 450p


-------------------------------------------------------------------Warframe Mods-------------------------------------------------------------------


Continuty(0) - 5p

Equilibrium(0) - 4p

Flow(1) - 3p

Handspring(1) - 4p

Intensify(2) - 4p

Natural Talent(0) - 8p

Quick Thinking(1) - 10p

Provoked(1) - 3p

Reflex Guard(4) - 4p

Streamline(2) - 4p

Undying Will(3) - 4p


--------------------------------------------------------------------Primary Mods---------------------------------------------------------------------


Blaze(0)- 5p

Charged Chamber(2) - 4p

Cleansed Corpus(1) - 2p

Cleansed Grineer(3) - 2p

Cleansed Infested(9) - 2p

Hell's Chamber(1) - 10p

Ravage(2) - 3p

Rifle Ammo Mutation(1) - 3p

Serration(4) - 3p

Shred(1) - 3p

Sniper Ammo Mutation(2) - 3p

Vital Sense(6) - 3p


-------------------------------------------------------------------Secondary Mods------------------------------------------------------------------


Barrel Diffusion(0) - 5p

Expel Infested(11) - 2p

Steady Hands(2) - 3p


----------------------------------------------------------------------Melee Mods----------------------------------------------------------------------


Heavy Trauma(2) - 2p

Killing Blow(6) - 2p

Melee Channel(1) - 2p

Power Throw(3) - 2p

Sundering Strike(2) - 2p

True Steel(9) - 2p


---------------------------------------------------------------------Sentinel Mods-------------------------------------------------------------------


Coolant Leak(2) - 10p

Fired Up(4) - 4p

Spare Parts(6) - 4p


----------------------------------------------------------------------Aura Mods-----------------------------------------------------------------------


Pistol Scavenger(1) - 4p

Rejuvination(1) - 4p

Rifle Amp(1) - 4p

Shotgun Scavenger(1) - 4p

Speed Holster(1) - 4p

Steel Charge(2) - 4p


--------------------------------------------------------------------Prime Parts/BP-------------------------------------------------------------------




Ember Prime Set(0) - 15p

Ember Prime BP(0) - 5p

Ember Prime Chassis(0) - 5p

Ember Prime Helmet(0) - 5p

Ember Prime Systems(0) - 5p


Frost Prime Set(0) - 15p

Frost Prime BP(7) - 5p

Frost Prime Chassis(0) - 5p

Frost Prime Helmet(7) - 5p

Frost Prime Systems(0) - 5p


Mag Prime Set(0) - 8p

Mag Prime BP(0) - 3p

Mag Prime Chassis(13) - 3p

Mag Prime Helmet(2) 3p

Mag Prime Systems(1) 3p


Rhino Prime Set(0) - 160p

Rhino Prime BP(0) - 60p

Rhino Prime Chassis(1) - 70p

Rhino Prime Helmet(0) - 50p

Rhino Prime Systems(3) - 10p



Primary Weapon


Boltor Prime Set(0) - 65p

Boltor Prime BP(1) - 60p

Boltor Prime Barrel(0) - 10p

Boltor Prime Receiver(0) -7p

Boltor Prime Stock(0) - 3p


Boar Prime Set(0) - 20p

Boar Prime BP(1) - 4p

Boar Prime Barrel(0) - 10p

Boar Prime Receiver(0) - 4p

Boar Prime Stock(0) - 7p


Burston Prime Set(0) - 25p

Burston Prime BP(0) - 4p

Burston Prime Barrel(0) - 17p

Burston Prime Receiver(1) - 4p

Burston Prime Stock(0) - 5p


Paris Prime Set(0) - 20p

Paris Prime BP(14) - 3p

Paris Prime Lower Limb(0) - 4p

Paris Prime Upper Limb(0) - 10p

Paris Prime Grip(0) - 4p

Paris Prime String(0) - 4p



Secondary Weapon


Akbronco Prime BP+Link(0) - 55p

Akbronco Prime BP(0) - 30p

Akbronco Prime Link(1) - 40p


Bronco Prime Set(0) - 15p

Bronco Prime BP(3) - 4p

Bronco Prime Barrel(0) - 4p

Bronco Prime Receiver(1) - 12p


Sicarus Prime Set(0) - 10p

Sicarus Prime BP(1) - 3p

Sicarus Prime Barrel(4) - -5p

Sicarus Prime Receiver(0) -7p



Melee Weapon


Dakra Prime Set(0) - 15p

Dakra Prime BP(0) - 5p

Dakra Prime Blade(3) - 8p

Dakra Prime Handle(0) - 7p


Glaive Prime Set(0) - 15p

Glaive Prime BP(0) - 10p

Glaive Prime Blade(6) - 7p

Glaive Prime Disc(6) - 3p


Reaper Prime Set(0) - 15p

Reaper Prime BP(0) - 5p

Reaper Prime Blade(1) - 10p

Reaper Prime Handle(0) - 5p




WTB List


T3 Capture Keys - 4p (need 6 or more keys) 3 plat if less than 6

T3 Survival Keys - 4p (need 6 or more keys) 3 plat if less than 6

T3 Exterminate Keys - 4p (need 6 or more keys) 3 plat if less than 6

T3 Mobile Defense - 4p (need 6 or more keys) 3 plat if less than 6



Edited by allixes
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