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Warframe Comics (Hypotheses About The History And More)


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hola!...bueno, en un principio creé este tema en parte porque no pude subir a tiempo mi comic para el concurso! jaja... y por otro lados, así como yo no pude, quizás haya otras personas que tengan algunas ideas sobre como podría evolucionar la historia del juego haciendolo aún más intrigante y sorprendente! A este tema lo dedico principalmente para quienes se interesen en lanzar hipótesis sobre lo sucedido en la era Orokin, sobre que o quien es realmente el Stalker y porque sólo Lotus guía a los Tenno en la lucha contra los otros bandos.

Aquí les dejo lo que para mi podría ser un interesante giro...dando a entender que el Stalker en lugar de realmente cazar a los Tenno, simplemente los libera diciéndoles la verdad sobre Lotus! Ojalá les guste! :) 



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 Está bien Negrote, me ha gustado.


And here I thought, that if the title is in English, the content will also be...

"Tenno... can you hear me?... I'm losing signal... might be the Stalk..."


"I'm sorry for your wounds Tenno..."

"... but it had to look real."


"You forgot... but it's time for you to remember who the Lotus really is..."

Edited by Phantasmo
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jaja sorry, my english is poor! but i will try to write anyway!
thanks Phantasmo for the translation!! :)

 Está bien Negrote, me ha gustado.


"Tenno... can you hear me?... I'm losing signal... might be the Stalk..."


"I'm sorry for your wounds Tenno..."

"... but it had to look real."


"You forgot... but it's time for you to remember who the Lotus really is..."


...and yes Damuranashi, supposedly the Stalker hate us, but my question is why the tenno following orders of Lotus despite that we dont know who is she? so, i am suggest that the Stalker could, later in the game, provide clues that he knows about the Orokin era and believes that we forget!
Even so, is my hypothesis! jaja
Thanks everybody for the comments!!! :D
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