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Pst, Guys, Don't Waste Your Oxium On The Distilling Extractors



14 answers to this question

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Distilling has 2x the chance to get rare resources.

I had Titan Extractor running on Saturn for quite a while. When they introduced Distilling Extractor, I switched to that one. So far, I only got Plastids and Nanospores. Maybe I got bad RNG, but the chances for rare resource seem to be so low, that even doubling them doesn't make a difference.

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It makes a difference, it's just not a huge one.


Still, if you've got Zephy what else do you have to do that requires oxium? Answer: distillers or the new sentinel--which is still borked.


And the resource isn't particularly hard to come by. If you're farming T3 keys on Phalan, you'll quickly have more than you know what to do with.

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2x the chance to get rares.


What is the base chance?  5%?  2%?


If the Titan is 5% then the Distiller is 10%.  Still pretty friggen low.

But yeah don't farm for the Oxium just aquire it and build one when you have enough or do farm a few runs and build it and only deploy it when you have 8 hours away.


So far i'm ok with them, after farming all the zephyr parts it wasn't that much more to tack on the Distiller's Oxium.

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It makes a difference, it's just not a huge one.


Still, if you've got Zephy what else do you have to do that requires oxium? Answer: distillers or the new sentinel--which is still borked.


And the resource isn't particularly hard to come by. If you're farming T3 keys on Phalan, you'll quickly have more than you know what to do with.


if you have zephyr why would anyone want to even farm oxium anymore :)

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You'll end up with the stuff, since one of the best nodes to farm for T3 keys is presently under corpus control. Soooo...you'll see lots of oxium ospreys in the normal course of business and end up with a quickly growing pile of oxium.


The only things to spend said oxium on are the distillers and Helios. This should be obvious.


The fact is, the distillers do have a better chance of coughing up rare materials, so if you have an excess of oxium you may as well build a few.

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