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This Is Absurd.


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Yeah the difficulty kinda needs to be notched down a bit. Dont get me wrong, its an extremely fun Mission type with a lot of potential, but I was only able to get past Lua and get on with my life in Jupiter when it was replaced with an Infestation Exterminate for a while, since solo playing this mission type is next to impossible.

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Going there with a lvl 30 Rhino means either cashing it out or waiting 4-5 days before progressing further into the star-chart (1 extra day to include leveling the frame and farming the resources to build it).

I think the healthiest decision for the game would be to just abandon the star-chart and have all kind of tiers of missions on every tile-set, but maybe that's just me.

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Going there with a lvl 30 Rhino means either cashing it out or waiting 4-5 days before progressing further into the star-chart (1 extra day to include leveling the frame and farming the resources to build it).

I think the healthiest decision for the game would be to just abandon the star-chart and have all kind of tiers of missions on every tile-set, but maybe that's just me.

i'll give it a shot with a level 30 starter frame now... and i agree, the difficulty is too high for earth, especially helions and eviscerators are overkill for newer players.

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I dont need "credibility" to say its easy and boring game mode. It just is. But anyway, I was using Vitality, Redirection, Continuity, Stretch, Decoy, Invisibility and Radial Disarm. I was ranking the frame after a forma, and didnt use any power, only the primary weapon (Gorgon Wraith). The first wave was done in some five minutes. I was alone but a random player with a Excalibur joined me near the end of the wave. When I read this thread I thought I was to see some packed-up mobs to clean up with my Gorgon but appeared just some scattered troopers. Survival is much better to play. 

New players have nothing of that, they typically have mk1/Braton with no damage mods and Lato/Aklato with Heated charge - the only damage mod that drops reliably on starter planets.  

If you play with 4 people the spawnrate is ~200 mobs per 6-7 min.

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To solve this problem is just a matter of adding more nodes on Earth: 




Then level-down Eurasia and any other nodes in the main path. 


At the moment its difficulty to have a challenge even in Earth survival, because when I reach 15 minutes the pugs just bail out and I dont have a option to continue the mission. A new survival node starting at higher levels would be nice. 

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i'd say the problem is that most pugs don't prioritize point d, a can be neglected and b&c only need 1 person to hold each. point d is where most mobs spawn and there need to be 2 players at least

Not sure if that would help much. Especially if something like an Ice Leader spawns

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maybe relevant... judge by yourself wether some1 has that equipment at that point or not: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T1yHBMetJQ


not going to bash your testing but I did mention in the original post that this is a problem for 4 man teams (cause that's how most players play) and that it shouldn't be a requirement to be a Stomplisous Rhino ( not saying you are but in general most people are). as pointed out, it is kind of possible for solo players to get through.


and as XRay0128 kind of said: leader spawns are way too high. they should be rare(ish) spawns that are difficult and strike terror into the tenno's hearts. right now, they are as common as heavys and strike annoyance and aggravation into the hearts of the tenno

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Ideas for AI tactics:


- Infested - Just as now, they are fine being mindless. Wallwalking could be nice but let's dream about that some other time.

- Grineer - Using covers, shielded opponents, maybe heavies as cover, smoke grenades, well positioned squads (like a shooting squad), those hurt retreating IF THEY CAN, not randomly choosing to run into your fire while looking for cover, or running around like a headless chicken when you are shooting. If you are that close that they cannot just step into cover, let them rush at you in melee or whatnot.

- Corpus - Energy shield based defensive drones - they move in front of the soldiers and deploy energy "walls" that only the opposing corpus can shoot through, you must deplete these shields or destroy the drone that deploys it. The current shield drones are great actually but the enemy themselves do not care about them - if they made sure to stay close to one however...


As for individual AI the first thing to do is to make sure enemies value their lives enough to not stand in the middle of a corridor shooting - at least kneel down for less contour and better precision if there is no cover around. They don't seem to care much about their allies - neither their wellbeing nor their very presence. They tend to wander around instead of attacking in groups. That's inefficient and feels weird taking into consideration that neither the Grineer nor the Corpus is beginner in fighting.




Yes AI is still pathetic and utterly unrewarding to kill. Only compounded when they die like flies and suddenly start spawning in twice the amounts with fifty times the sheilds and armor -_-


AI update coming SoonTM (never). 

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To solve this problem is just a matter of adding more nodes on Earth: 




Then level-down Eurasia and any other nodes in the main path. 


At the moment its difficulty to have a challenge even in Earth survival, because when I reach 15 minutes the pugs just bail out and I dont have a option to continue the mission. A new survival node starting at higher levels would be nice. 


Then go to Outer Terminus or void/derelict survivals if you're looking for higher starting levels. You're complaining about the apparent lack of difficulty on Earth. While playing a Loki.


New players are being gated and a considerable portion of them are probably going to walk away from the game and never look back.

Players who are potential future platinum purchasers, who will go and spend their money elsewhere and their opinion of this game is that it will be "pay2win" because if you don't buy and spend plat, you don't get past Eurasia and Lua, which takes less than six hours of play to reach. They will tell their friends this and this notion that Warframe is "pay or you don't progress" nearly out of the box may grow into a damaging notion for Warframe and for DE in any future projects they begin.

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DE is too busy messing with nonsensical drop tables. New player experience is on the low priority list.



how unfortunately true. the catch 22 is that if they are no new players then no one uses the drop table = wasted effort. if the drop tables are bad but we have lots of new players then they leave = lost players.

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in interceptions the spawn rate is simply off scale.

I can go in with builds that handle t3 survivals for 40 mins (without trinity) and still fail HARD because I can't keep the trash mobs off the capture points.

a single nova can solo the mission.

likewise other frames with massive aoe abilities.

it's a fun concept but please nerf spawn rate for firs 5 waves for lotus's sake!

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There is no real excuse for new players not to have bought the Braton and Lex (and possibly crafted a Dual Skana) prior to hitting Earth.

That said, Eurasia and Lua are, IMO, completely impossible for any team of new players with the frames, weapons, mods, and skill level that can be expected of them at that point in the game.

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I've suggested this in another thread but the node should be moved out of the progression path. In particular, place the mission in a "dead-end" as an optional mission node similar to the Earth's survival node.

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There is no real excuse for new players not to have bought the Braton and Lex (and possibly crafted a Dual Skana) prior to hitting Earth.

That said, Eurasia and Lua are, IMO, completely impossible for any team of new players with the frames, weapons, mods, and skill level that can be expected of them at that point in the game.


on my PS4 account I barely have any credits after completing Mercury and Venus, not enough to even buy the Braton let alone Lex (which is 50,000 credits)

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on my PS4 account I barely have any credits after completing Mercury and Venus, not enough to even buy the Braton let alone Lex (which is 50,000 credits)

Did the PS4 not get the update that gives 25k credits after killing Vor instead of the guaranteed Cronus BP drop?


That said, 25k is barely enough to get a Braton, and Lex is twice that cost. Early missions give utterly pitiful credit rewards, so working up 50k is by no means a walk in the park. At <1k per node, that's more than 50 nodes to clear plus whatever cash is spent on upgrading mods in the meantime. Or a dozen or so runs on Vor to sell the Seer parts.

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I agree totally. I've been ferrying new players through eurasia. Here's how such a run goes down:


We arrive. Players instantly start to lose shields. If they don't take cover, they start to go down at this point. Current group was skilled and played smart, so that didn't happen.



Within a few seconds the first point turns red. Trust me that, in a few seconds, all points are red. 



Once I start clearing the map, stuff starts spawning from the tunnel in large numbers, which catches players by surprise, especially the several leaders who bumrush players. It's not possible to clear the area around the tunnel and revive both players. Players who die quit the level out of frustration sometimes, meaning they still haven't completed it...



This is what's necessary to beat Eurasia. I'm not posting it to brag, but because It's simply absurd.



The reason why it seems so easy for some, and in fact IS easy for them, seems to depend on a player's PC. My PC isn't a monster, it's a laptop, which seems to bottleneck the ability of grineer to spawn en mass. That and I have youtube open on a second monitor. If I host, our team has no trouble. For most other players with powerful, crysis running rigs, it's a very definite problem.

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