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Frost Prime Worth Keeping? Also A Frost Prime Offensive Build Help?



IS he good i wanna know if he is worth keeping cuz i might be getting another warframe  so i wanna know if i must sell him and replace  him with another warframe or spend 20 plat to buy new slot


 i also want help with a offensive build so help meh :3

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19 answers to this question

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He is more than worth keeping. 


Spend that plat on a new slot.



As for an offensive build for him well it does not really work in high level missions, but it does in low to mid level missions if you want to have some fun with his AoE go for a max range and max efficiency build.

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Keep him He is worth it. Build it with intensify and streamline. Use steal fiber vitality and rage. Also stretch. If you have forma's you are willing to spend as well as some corrupted mods you can drop some of his abilities in favor of more power and efficiency. Max your efficiency your power add stretch add armor and rage and vitality

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Max Vital = +440% health = +440 health = 718.67 EHP

Max Vigor = +120% Shields +120% health = +180 shields +120 health = 360 eshield + 196 health = 556 EHP


While Vitality adds more effective health, I choose Vigor so I can take 360 more damage before I start taking health damage, which is harder to recover than shields.


Ice levels suck tho. Still, either mod is a valid choice, personal preference.

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Frost Prime might be my favorite. I use him a lot even in the Void, considering they recently buffed Snow Globe to be invincible for a short time. Definitely useful when you and your team have five corrupted gunners coming at you at once.


But I wouldn't say he can be too terribly offensive... though Avalanche (4th) comes in handy in a bind -- but not quite as handy as, say, Rhino Stomp. I find him to be useful for pretty much any type of mission. Just find the right crew to complement your Frosty and you can easily do an hour in T3 survival. Just be sure to max Intensify.

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This is currently an offense build I like to use (you can substitute overextended with stretch if you're not fond of the damage loss and you *could* use vitality instead of steel fiber since there's no globe in that build, but note this isn't meant for late game survival and endless defenses as you definitely want snowglobe for those (not sure about globe uses against infested though)



This one i haven't really tested this build yet, but using constitution will make fleeting only lower snowglobe's duration by 10 seconds, which is more than enough time if you need it for that long for some reason, though you may just want to slap on flow instead of constitution if doing late game survivals or endless defenses since I've heard that bubble will pop after about 8 seconds in there. you could trade off ice wave or avalanche if you feel you're not using it a lot with this build and put in your own personal preference as well, though I don't think range increasing/decreasing mods affect snow globe's slow field


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Definitely worth keeping if you love semi tanking and slowing things down. Modding him with strength mods should get you through most survivals, while efficiency ones allow you to spam most abilities. Unless you have a range mod tho, never spam snowglobe because unless your inside, its a painto shoot enemies

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He is a Prime (I'm not saying Primes are worth more than certain frames) but all the time it took to acquire the parts, build the parts and build the frame itself... I think he is more than worth keeping.


He fills in a semi-tank caster role. While not as tanky as say, Rhino, he does his "tank" job by casting his Snowglobe. 


But he can also fill in as an offensive caster. Maxed Focus, Stretch, Streamline are pretty much all the mods you need to be an offensive caster. But, as with all frames, you might want a Vigor mod (which gives both health and shields). 

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Spend the 20 and get the extra slot.

There really isn't a frame in the game that isn't worth keeping if you have it and have it maxed. The only caveats to that would be if that frame doesn't match your playstyle at all or there were cosmetic concerns.


If you are purely offensive, Frost might be a bad fit as his abilities (when they work right) create offensive options as opposed to simply creating mass carnage.


That said though... When melee 2.0 comes out, Frost is going to be vicious.

Everyday will be a Winter Wonderland, and he'll be the only one dressed for the weather.

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definitely worth it, still a great frame, I think the invulnerability mechanic and addition of armor have made snowglobe pretty usable again


I love running offensive frost prime on lower level missions. with maxed power strength, you can still kill grineer into the low 30's. Ice wave is my go-to skill. blind rage, intensify, stretch, fleeting expertise, streamline are all you need for that. if you want to run offensive+snow globe, you need to tweak the range (giant snowglobe isn't usually very helpful), and add duration. but those 5 aforementioned mods are all you need for ice wave or avalanche spam. also the squall helm

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