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Which Faction Is The Cronus Exactly?


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The Cronus has a prime variant cough cough Dakra Prime cough cough and yet it's still used by Captain Vor. Even after his rework, so I don't think it's a placeholder anymore.


What do you guys think? This sword has many myth around it and yet nobody found out :( 

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Vor is a enthusiast of Orokin Technology, he carry a Void Key in his armor, he made the Seer which is according to the weapon's description: "A heavy pistol of Grineer design utilizing Orokin technology, creating a unique hybrid weapon." So the Cronus is most likely a Grineer manufactured weapon, using a Orokin weapon as base for the design *cough Dakra prime cough*

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Since the "Cronus" is a new-ish weapon like the frames are newer made versions of primes. I guess that Vor just killed some poor tenno and took it off his body considering the Cronus doesn't look like anything the Grineer produce.

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It's a sword-length version of the Ceramic Dagger. They just named it Cronus instead of Ceramic Sword.


I think we can have some generic weapons rather than faction-specific weapons, yes?


Edit: See also Heat Dagger, Heat Sword, Dual Heat Swords.

Edited by DietEbolaCola
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Its a Tenno blade that Vor found.

Also, the Dakra is not a prime of the Chronus, it is simply an Orokin Longsword. It could be the prime of the Chronus, or the Skana, but otherwise is its own line of blade until info is revealed.

There's this datamined stuff I read somewhere that showed the Dakra as "Cronus Prime". Not really sure thought.

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There's this datamined stuff I read somewhere that showed the Dakra as "Cronus Prime". Not really sure thought.


It's from the game files, as stated by the wiki. Doesn't mean that's canon, though, as it's likely a dropped idea for it.

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There's this datamined stuff I read somewhere that showed the Dakra as "Cronus Prime". Not really sure thought.

^ This. Back when community could still datamine void drop tables, Dakra Prime was called PrimeCronus there


It's from the game files, as stated by the wiki. Doesn't mean that's canon, though, as it's likely a dropped idea for it.


Until DEvs confirm or deny it, that's as close to "canon" as we'll get

Edited by WhisperByte
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Until DEvs confirm or deny it, that's as close to "canon" as we'll get


I don't consider unused concept ideas that just appear as data files to be canon. Unless it's said so in-game somewhere, I tend to be more skeptical towards it. Not saying it ISN'T a possibility, as you said a DE confirmation or alteration to the name to fit the files would change that, but I'm not of the mind it's strong standpoint.

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