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Achievement Rewards


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Currently, achievements give nothing when you achieve them. I think it would be interesting if they did. It could be especially useful to tie specific awards to specific achievements. It would help with "the newbie effect" on things.


Like, for example, if you get a gunner achievement, you get a free serration. Most players have one, but for some people, that would be AWESOME, as the drop is hard to get.


Or if you got a dagger achievement you could get jagged edge, sniper achievement could get one of the chamber mods, etc.


Something meaningful to your efforts that lets you bypass the RNG.


There's been much talk about ways to get stuff into the hands of the newbies who REALLY need it, and I think this would work great. The goal is pre-stated in a place they can track it, and it gives them a "mini-quest" to go on. If an achievement gives something you don't need, you don't care, but if it does, "OMG I AM DOING THIS ASAP!"

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Aren't achievements Steam-only?

If they are not: yup, I want stuff for my shiny achievements! At the very least give me the achievement pics as user avatars :P

Nah, everyone gets them. It says "achievement" when it shows you accomplishing it in game, and you can check it in your profile under "Challenges".


The lack of a fixed naming convention is a bit odd, but when it pops up on-screen, they call it "Achievement:<what you did>", so I'm going with that.

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it gives them a "mini-quest" to go on. If an achievement gives something you don't need, you don't care, but if it does, "OMG I AM DOING THIS ASAP!"


Honestly, this is a 'minor' feature that you've listed, but this is incredibly important. Warframe is a little bit too self-directed once you get past a certain point. The achievments are mostly dry, thoughtless affairs at moment but imagine badge/tiny swag rewards for the following:


'4 birds, one stone' : Kill 4 enemies with a single headshot from a sniper weapon


'it's a bird, it's a plane': kill a level 30+ enemy with falling damage


'You killed my father, prepare to die' : kill the stalker, dealing 100% of damage with a skana


etc. We could really use some challenge based content.

Edited by notionphil
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Honestly, this is a 'minor' feature that you've listed, but this is incredibly important. Warframe is a little bit too self-directed once you get past a certain point. The achievments are mostly dry, thoughtless affairs at moment but imagine badge/tiny swag rewards for the following:


'4 birds, one stone' : Kill 4 enemies with a single headshot from a sniper weapon


'it's a bird, it's a plane': kill a level 30+ enemy with falling damage


'You killed my father, prepare to die' : kill the stalker, dealing 100% of damage with a skana


etc. We could really use some challenge based content.

See, the thing of it is: I don't really give a damn about them, and I have all but 1 of the possible achievements right now(I refuse to kill Tyl Regor).

Giving me 200 cosmetics I don't want is HIGHLY unappealing.


However, when some kid gets his gun to 10 for the first time and unlocks the "Getting a gun to r10" achievement, by all means, give him something to help with the gun. They've said repeatedly that the biggest issue new players face is getting their hands on basic mods, and that the game sharply divides between the "haves" and "have nots".


If everyone with "Getting a gun to r10" achievement gets a free serration, every kid in the game feels like they just won the lottery, and those of us who already have 20 badges we'll never wear get something we can at least sell or transmute.


It's not unbalancing because you can get the mod elsewhere, but it would be an AWESOME thing for the "have nots".


That makes the most sense: Make the achievements grant something that everyone can appreciate to some degree.


No matter what argument you have against, say, my serration example, my counter point is this: Which would you rather have, players quitting because they got a crappy "I use guns" badge for a gun that they can't do enough damage with, or new players that FINALLY have one copy of that hard-for-them-to-find mod? Maxing serration is a thing in and of itself, so nobody else is losing out, but the new players are being given the rewards they deserve for their efforts. They stuck around, and now they have a bit more power. They have to keep playing to level it up, but they have it, and THAT is the important part.


Maybe make some of the more challenging ones give better/more-rare things. Like 3 daggers to 30 could be a toxic melee mod or something. But make it so that it's at least quasi-meaningful.


That way, everyone who isn't "done" with the game can progress without fighting the RNG or trying desperately to find something many of us have taken for granted for ages. It won't break the game, as it's only 1 copy, but it will help SO MUCH for many.

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I think you misunderstood. I agree about the basic achievements for key mods as an RNG safety valve. I have suggested myriad similar ideas (guaranteed boss drops, mastery rank rewards etc).


I'm just saying I'd also like some interesting/challenging/longterm achievements for vets, and the rewards shouldn't be a "key" mod for those. Bc then those key mods would be too hard/far/whatever for new/lowbies to access.


This is where we disagree, I don't want another split chamber, nor do I want new players to have to kill the G3 with a pencil to get a split chamber. But I do want a shiny skin for my pencil (no badges pls) when I do kill them with it.

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So you want new, high-level achievements, and for those to have new/different things. Okay.


Just making sure we're on the same page.


yep, I want that in addition to the basic low level/normal achievements acting as a much needed RNG safety valve for key mods.


The safety valve is more important - I'd just like some 'stuff to do'.

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I would really like to see example of these achievements.


If you can complete them before finishing venus, its fine

If it takes hundred hours to complete top tier achievement which actually gives proper reward then it will fix only most unfortunate examples of bad luck and rng will still be problem.

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I would really like to see example of these achievements.


If you can complete them before finishing venus, its fine

If it takes hundred hours to complete top tier achievement which actually gives proper reward then it will fix only most unfortunate examples of bad luck and rng will still be problem.

The ones I'm talking about are in game, right now, and you probably have lots of them done.


To see them, open your profile, and click the word "Challenges" on the left-hand side.


You'll see there's a wide variety of them, ranging from "Get any weapon to rank 2" and "Find a mod" to things like "Earn a million credits" and "Get 5 swords to rank 30". Nothing "end game", really, but lots of great low and mid game accomplishments.


So, they should have rewards that help the low and mid game players.

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These are all ranking up achievements but is might be good idea getting dmg mod for 1st weapon to 10 and maybe multishot for 3 or 5 weapons to 30.


Though i would rather see challenges which work like mastery ranking tests which awards these modes

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These are all ranking up achievements but is might be good idea getting dmg mod for 1st weapon to 10 and maybe multishot for 3 or 5 weapons to 30.

That's my point, though: the kids are working hard, ranking up, reward their efforts. It just makes sense that you should get a weapon buff once you've ranked up weapons. It's even been suggested "maybe we should have the weapons upgrade directly", but that effs the whole mod system up.


This would be easy(all components are already in-game), it would be sensible(it's technically a spin on something other people keep suggesting and defending), and it wouldn't break anything in the process. Lots of win. No lose. It should be done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've always thought that after beating mercury, players should get a care package of at least a redirection and a vitality, in case none were found (I didn't find a redirection till earth when I first started) And lack of damage mods dropping for rifles/pistols made me gravitate towards shotguns (especially because point blank was easy to max)

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