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Who Is Going To Be Your Melee-Frame? :)


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Valkyr: since she is basicly that when using her abilities already


Zypher, because if enemies can't shoot you, it makes sense to get up close to them and go melee


Rhino: because reasons that need not be said


Loki because being invisible and doing melee does not get old

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Valkyr: since she is basicly that when using her abilities already


Zypher, because if enemies can't shoot you, it makes sense to get up close to them and go melee


Rhino: because reasons that need not be said


Loki because being invisible and doing melee does not get old


I'll just stick to loki, being honest... I imagine that one scene in metal gear solid where grey fox just WRECKS S#&$ [ http://youtu.be/59RpoI4ieAw?t=7m32s ]

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Excalibur Prime with my Skana Prime.


lol at the LokiSlaveRace still trying to raise its head above the squalor of its existence. It'd be so funny if DE skipped right over Loki Prime. I wonder how many Loki tears we'd get then.

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Excalibur Prime with my Skana Prime.


lol at the LokiSlaveRace still trying to raise its head above the squalor of its existence. It'd be so funny if DE skipped right over Loki Prime. I wonder how many Loki tears we'd get then.

y u so rude? :<

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Excalibur Prime with my Skana Prime.


lol at the LokiSlaveRace still trying to raise its head above the squalor of its existence. It'd be so funny if DE skipped right over Loki Prime. I wonder how many Loki tears we'd get then.

Y U so gud wit ur xclusiv gir?

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First and foremost Loki Prime, next is Excal, Valk, Nekros, Oberon and Volt.



LOL Someone said Loki is squishy at higher tiers without stealth. Tap Disarm, place decoy, go ham on the prod wielders.

Edited by ViLeDeth
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