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Who Is Going To Be Your Melee-Frame? :)


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Loki, although without Invisibility(disclaimer: I don't use it), he would be too squishy in general to use as a melee frame at higher levels. Frost can be a good contender especially if the katana is going to be implemented(just imagine how Frost will look) but I'd reckon that we need a melee-centered frame to go with Melee 2.0.


Samurai frame, anyone?

Protip: Use Invisibility and you will be able to survive in the higher levels as a melee Frame. Radial Disarm helps a ton, too.

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Right out of the gate, Trinity. Best frame, in my opinion, to 'learn' the new system on.


After that I'd try out Valkyr to see if they did anything with her hysteria and then it will be me either on Saryn or the newest frame that they may have released to go with said update(if they do make one) and after the hype has left me I'd be on either Trinity or Valkyr or flavor-of-the-day-frame.

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Rhino Prime or Loki.  Prime has the speed and mobility between its base movement speed, the borked Vanguard helm, and/or charge.  Coupled with that is the ability to ignore knockdowns and staggers and stun everything if things get too hectic.  And possibly boost damage as well, though odds are that mod slot will be used for something else.  Loki has invis.  If that keeps the downright silly 4x damage, then depending on how viable weapons are...


Mind you, I'd like to be able to say Saryn for Contagion/Molt or Volt for Speed/stuns, those being my two favorite frames, or even Nekros so I can thematically smack things down with a candy-cane-skinned Scythe but I don't expect those to match either Loki or RP.

Edited by Axterix13
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I'm pretty sure it will be Excalibur. My favourite frame hands down. (Next to Valkyr as second). 


I can't wait for this guys, I soo see the 4 squad tenno, wallrunning with swords and doing spin and jump attacks, a complete melee grindfest will be held on this event that's for sure. Lot of meet chopped . The katana looks insane in the teaser video by the way and made me wondering if there will be any scabbard type of thing or new weapon placements. That would be really awesome.

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