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Lecta Whip Sound


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Hi! Im here to suggest a small change for Lecta (and Scoliac could have too). Well, when I was playing a lot with Scoliac, I didnt feel strange when I heard the whip sounds (however it could use slashing noise at the end of attack coz it deals slash damage and looks like infested whip-BLADE) but I can agree that this weapon sounds ok anyway. But! Im sooo frustrated with Lecta :O whip attack sound is ok until it is near to its end, I mean electric-'blunt' part is hitting the target and... sounds like a whip hit? Ehm. I think it should sound like a light blunt hit or at least like something electric. Or the ending part of the weapon is amazing us with its whip-like elastic properites?


What needs to be solved?

Do NOT replace whole attack sound, just modify how it ends.


Thats my opinion. What do you think, Tenno?

Greets to DE and the community. Sorry for my poor english.

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