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I Feel Stupid For Not Building This...


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I never thought Prova could hurt THAT much. I mean look at those numbers, sure it doesn't have the 3 basic damages but it looks like that wouldn't even matter.


Corpus Charge Build



Grineer Charge Build



This thing packs a very good elemental punch, even on par with my Gas Machete Wraith build.


Now I feel really dumb for building Supra. Oh well there's bound to be Fieldrons.


NOTE: For people asking why Pressure Point is in a charge build is because I excluded the Corrupted charge mod (That and I do like having powerful normal attacks for when charging is not an option.)

Edited by RustyNaps
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Both Prova and Lecta are incredibly powerful if you put the right mods on it, one-shotting mobs up to level 35, something that is hard to achieve with the non-elemental weapons. :3


Personally been using Lecta over the last week, using normal attack builds, no charge. Got to 45 minutes in a T3 survival just using the Lecta with Loki, supported with Radiation-Viral Brakk (to debuff heavies) and Boltor Prime (to kill the drones)



Stick with the prod. Prod with the prod.

Edited by ScorpDK
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i was wondering how i could go with prova. thanks. i like you. the deadspace vauban is complete :p perhaps i will stick a melee channel on it. vauban use a lot of energy so ..


yeah, coil and pressure screw up, and it miss corrupt charge but you got the idea :)

Edited by kimahn
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have you ever seen galatine?

Yes and I have one but Galatine only does a ton of Slash and starts chugging at higher level enemies that aren't infested.


It's a very nice sword but for other factions other than infested it starts lagging behind on higher levels. (Unless I'm loki or ash, then it can go a little longer).

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 Well... With a potato any weapon can be fearsome like that. Now as for nightmarish fearsome, neither the prova nor the lecta can do it...

This is pretty nightmarish. If I put this on Vauban and trashed pressure point then put on Melee Channel (Vauban is always using his powers) that Prova could do twice the damage for every damage it's doing now. And that would last me tell the level 55's start showing up. By then it would be two hits instead of one.

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This is pretty nightmarish. If I put this on Vauban and trashed pressure point then put on Melee Channel (Vauban is always using his powers) that Prova could do twice the damage for every damage it's doing now. And that would last me tell the level 55's start showing up. By then it would be two hits instead of one.




That is following the original you posted of no corrupted mods...

 Imagine Corrupt charge instead of Shocking touch and even better, the Galatine with this.

 Also it has the apparently mandatory potato and I abused of one extra forma instead of just one as the OP

Edited by HellEnforcer
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