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I Feel Stupid For Not Building This...


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That is following the original you posted of no corrupted mods...

 Imagine Corrupt charge instead of Shocking touch and even better, the Galatine with this.

 Also it has the apparently mandatory potato and I abused of one extra forma instead of just one as the OP

Yes but remember, with the 3 damage types present, using a damage type that either has a small bonus or none at all will essentially Nerf your sword much faster when higher levels show up.


Now I do like this Gram build, if I had my Ash invis for 60% of the time I could indeed take this sword up to level 60 and be able to 1 shot the grunts. But this sword looks like it'd be better off fighting Infested. Try to shove in a jagged edge and build it for gas. You'll have a very mean infested take down sword.

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hm. I haven't used the Prova since Update 8.  Perhaps it could be of use sometime.




Not half as good as Orthos Prime bruh.  Period.

Lol Orthos prime is great but it already having the 3 damage values it won't last for long when the level 50-60's show up in T3. The predominate Slash damage will greatly hinder my efforts. 


The Prova would go a little longer.

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Yep it most certainly does! The more you put on the higher the charge.


I didn't notice it while messing with the mods, will check it out later.


EDIT: Just checked it out and adding elemental mods to my Galatine doesn't increase the 1240 charge damage the charge damage mods in the arsenal UI.


Maybe it only works for elemental damage melee weapon?

Edited by Shackram
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