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3 answers to this question

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What specifically are you looking to calculate?


Some things to get you started: Base Weapon damage is increased by +damage %. Elementals are based on the increased damage. Specific +Impact/Puncture/Slash mods are calculated based on the increased value for that specific damage type.


Armor reduction is 300/(ArmorValue+300). Thus effective health (EHP) is (ArmorValue+300)/300 * health. Shields are often considered to count twice because of Guardian. Thus the TOTAL Effective Health (TEHP) of a warframe is (Shields*2)+(Health*(ArmorValue+300)/300)


Rage converts 40% of damage done to you to energy. Quick Thinking delays death by absorbing 1 energy for each 2.4 damage you take, after armor is applied.


Elements recieve modifiers against certain enemies, as per: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0


Corrosive and Radiation damage ignore 75% of the armor of their respective armor type. To calculate actual damage, you need to plug in an enemy's armor into the armor reduction formula above and calculate their reduction with 75% less armor.


For example, Radiation will do, against a target with 2500 armor, 1.75*300/((2500*(1-.75))+300) = 56.7% damage.

Compare to Viral, which doesnt ignore armor but has the same multiplier, at 1.75*300/(2500+300) = 18.75% damage.


The armor value for enemies can be found by the formula:


Armor = base Armor * (1 + (((current Level - base Level) ^ 1.75) / 200))


The variables can be looked up on the wiki, under enemies tab for each faction.

Edited by Darzk
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