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T3 Mobile Defense Keys



Hello there.


I recently got the last part of the Boltor Prime but I am still missing the main blueprint. Therefor I am looking for some T3 Mobile Defense keys. To be honest, it is a real pain to watch the recruiting chat and literally "hunting" for messages like "Hosting T3 MD" - when you are only around 3 seconds late, it is mostly full already.


So I decided to try to get some keys on my own and would like to ask where you've found some of those T3 MD keys. I recently did a few runs ( around 20 ) on Casta/Ceres but there I only got T3 Capture, T2 Exterminate and T2/T3 Survival. Did I just have bad luck or is there a better node/mission to get T3 MD keys from? Would be nice if you could share your experiences.


-Kind regards, Phaedrean!

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3 answers to this question

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T3 MD Key is...


 - a 2% chance from T3 Endless Defense every 5 waves.


- a 10% chance at 15 min mark in T3 Survival.


- a 4.5% chance at 15 min mark in T2 Survival.


Links for loot tables below...






when u say t3/t2 people will assume tower 2 and 3

but your not talking about void are u?

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