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Regular Hellions?



13 answers to this question

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The wiki says that there's a regular old "hellion" someplace, but I haven't seen one anywhere. Any ideas on where to find them for scanning?

Oh, also, because I forgot if you really want answers from your posts you should follow your posts. Either before the post is ... well... posted or afterwards by choosing to follow it.

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Ugh! Now my codex will never be complete. :[

Why? You're quitting the game before the shipyard tileset comes out?


EDIT: Also, unless you've got something special going on, we're all missing at least 4 targets from our codex anyway--3 corpus and a grineer. Nobody knows what they're meant to be.

Edited by Llyssa
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Why? You're quitting the game before the shipyard tileset comes out?


EDIT: Also, unless you've got something special going on, we're all missing at least 4 targets from our codex anyway--3 corpus and a grineer. Nobody knows what they're meant to be.


Oops, I made a dumb. ._.


And yeah, that's true. I assume they're going to phase those in eventually -- or they'll just delete them. Or maybe they'll just be left alone, considering the codex seems to be near the bottom on their list of priorities (understandably so).

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The regular hellion should be out soon once the shipyard tileset properly rolls out. This may be anywherefrom U12.8 to U13.0 based on cicero, where the forest tileset was released about 0..2 updates after the event . :3 Either way DE will never let our codex go empty. There are tons of new units being imagined by DE and players alike, so all you need is patience and luck.

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