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I've been looking for despair forever but I can't find it. Can you guys give me some tips on how to find stalker? I know I have to kill alot of bosses and then play a normal mission and the stalker might come but he has only targetted me 1 time and he gave me a dread. From other people's marks I've gotten 34 dread blueprints :/. Also a build would be appreciated. Thanks

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With the stalker, there is not much beyond farm bosses, then waiting that can be done.  Despair are extremely hard to get, and most people only have them from when the drops had a more equal chance of being one of the three weapons.  The first build is my personal build, but I gave you more specific ones with alternates depending on what mods you have.

All these builds need a catalyst.

My corrupted void build (takes two forma, the reason it shows six is because I changed where the V and _ polarities where):



Grineer build (no more builds require forma):



Corpus build:


(if you do not have jolt, or want to use a poison for damage through shields, you can use Pistol Pestilence, or a rank 1 Pathogen Rounds).


Infested build:  (This is dealing with light infested, for ancients, the corrupted build is good, just replace the ice Ice Storm mod with expel infested):



Alt Infested build: (This infested build is one without poison if you do not have pistol pestilence or pathogen rounds)



Hope this helped you out.  Good luck with getting the despair.

Edited by Starfreak911
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Good luck getting the Despair.  Many Tenno have hunted for them, but the Stalker is a stingy little troll and likes to drop Slash Dash and Dread.


But he does seem to have his favorites.  I was just reading a thread about how the OP can't get Dread, only Despair. : / 

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I think amongst the 3 stalker weapons , dread has the highest drop rate, and Hate the lowest.


Just kill vay hek or nef anyo a lot ( since they're easy to kill) and he'll appear 

And Phorid.  Stalker always comes after me for Phorid.

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Despair arent as good as they used to be anyway. Before they were king with acrid. Now its just a mere 2nd tier weapon. Stug and brakk are the higjer dps, then theres akmagnus, akvasto etc. Or even akbronco prime.

and i mean despairs are my most used weapons. but not anymore

Edited by Cemges
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Despair arent as good as they used to be anyway. Before they were king with acrid. Now its just a mere 2nd tier weapon. Stug and brakk are the higjer dps, then theres akmagnus, akvasto etc. Or even akbronco prime.

and i mean despairs are my most used weapons. but not anymore

I just want the Despair so I can complete the set.


If you want to increase your chances of him spawning, then try teaming with three other players that have a Stalker mark as well.  Low level 2/4 anything seems to be the best Stalker bait.  I'd keep a maxed (and forma'd, if you have it) weapon on you at all times.

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After you get marked by killing a boss you got to make sure not to be running all boss missions or he won't appear. Change it up to some captures or deceptions, something easy to glide through missions. I think you get an increased chance of spawn the more missions he doesn't appear in.

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i got it without actually looking for it, the only tip i can give you is to play regularly and normal, i don't think there is anything to support my theory but i would bet that if you farm in him in low level areas the chances seem to be less... it's probably just my perception, but i have gotten Brakk, Detron and Despair all during my regular activities in the game, i didn't intentionally choose to farm him, and i encountered him all the times in mid level areas, around from 15 to 25, zanuka even dropped 2 parts of detron at the same time... maybe im just lucky, maybe there is some "hidden" variable that makes them less eager to drop the parts if we are trying to "farm" them.

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I think amongst the 3 stalker weapons , dread has the highest drop rate, and Hate the lowest.


Just kill vay hek or nef anyo a lot ( since they're easy to kill) and he'll appear 

Despair have the lowest drop rate out of the three.  Dread is by far and away the most common, and hate drops in to say hi every once-in-a-while.  Despair is that stingy old guy that never leaves his house, and the only time you see him is when he is peering at the world through his curtains.

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Despair have the lowest drop rate out of the three.  Dread is by far and away the most common, and hate drops in to say hi every once-in-a-while.  Despair is that stingy old guy that never leaves his house, and the only time you see him is when he is peering at the world through his curtains.

You then proceed to punch a hole through the window and grab him by the collar, while he desperately grabs onto the nearest piece of furniture. And just when you are close to yanking him out, the neighborhood authorities "The Host Migration" comes over and arrests you for assault.

On topic, though I've never gotten it before either. Meh.

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I have two spare Hate's.  Want to trade?





Only prime weapon blueprints can be traded at this moment.  Maybe eventually in the future, but not now.




But even if it were possible to trade them, I'm not sure I would. You see, I like getting things on my own instead of them being given to me. Makes me appreciate them more. :D

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An extra tip is if you've got nekros then use him (or have one in the party) as much as possible as the stalker can be desecrated, this gives you an extra shot of getting two blueprints per kill

Thanks for the tip never knew that before. +1 :D

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