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Recruiting Clan Members!


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Are you looking for a smaller sized clan (ghost) to help you get what you want at a lower cost of materials? I currently only have about 5 members in my clan at the moment and we are content with our size because we have put the time into making sure we have access to everything in our Dojo, besides the dueling room.


We have about everything researched already (Synapse is one of the last and that is almost done)


Here is some more info about my clan... Beast Clan:


- Fast growing Dojo, just about everything unlocked.


- Although we are small we are always there to help with events/alerts/endless defense and survival runs and will help you along the way.


- Not a dedicated type of player? No problem, I am accepting aggressive and casual players I have a life as well so I do not expect all clan members to be active every single day, this is more based around building a brotherhood and if we do want to get competitive down the road well we can work around that.


- Have an obstacle course and trading post


- Expert and Noob players are aloud, the only thing I ask is to not be a prick :P


- Like I said I will accept any and all members, however I would like some veteran players too so they can help me build this clan to its potential, and for those players I will grant extra privileges in order to let them do so.


- I want to keep this clan on a basis of everyone knowing each other, A huge clan is great but I believe a moderate sized clan where everyone knows each other is best.


If you are interested comment on this post and I will get you added when I am on, or you can always PM me on warframe or the PS4 anytime about this as well if you have extra questions.


PSN: Killa_Blaze21

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Okay we will gladly have you. I get done with work at 7:30 AM EST I will log on and add you right when I get home.



and FYI everyone the synapse is completed and ready so the only thing my clan lacks at the moment is the Banshee parts which wont take too long seeming how I have 15 warframes and Banshee is not one, so I will get on that ASAP.

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yes we do, however at this time 2 of my players are pretty big in Final Fanatasy ARR and only get on a couple times a week but I am actively on when I am not at work and am at Mastery rank 8 (almost 9) with about 15 Warframes and  almost all prime weapons so as for the void you would at least have 2 of us that play Void religiously whereas I have friends in other clans I play with on that.


I find it fun to do endless survival/defenses on T3 void and ODE runs for mods. And you do not have to be a veteran player all I meant is that if you are and would like more privileges just let me know and I can set it up. But for the Dojo I have just about everything you would need as a player other than the dueling room which if members show interest I will build right away.


Let me know if you would like to join, we would be glad to have you, and if this is crucial to you like it is to most players all of our active members all have head sets.

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Do you allow new members to host? 

Looking for a clan with active players, all levels. 


Usually on daily between 12:00- 18:00 MST.


Have played about 400 hrs since December and still not bored.

Rank 7 ( can't seem to do the wall run for the rank 8 test), but don't really care about that. Just having fun.

Happy to play in support role.

Prefer tank frames but have many level 30 frames.

Edited by (PS4)Opa_Jacob
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  • 2 weeks later...

Blaze, if you get full, I am leader of a small casual clan as well...you can forward my info to anyone that is still looking. We currently have 3 members and would like to stay under 10. Also, if we can find the time to coordinate, would love to have a clan to trade with. i am stilling building labs at this point.

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I have recently migrated over with another caln called "RedSky". We are a much bigger clan and still follow the "tight knit" theme so if you still are interested just let me know and I will be happy to recruit you. And once done so I will let the leader know about it and we will welcome you with open arms.


Just let me know if you would like more details, but I will mention that our Dojo is 100% complete with awesome decor to go with it and all frames and weapons are accessible.

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Hey I'd Like to join your clan

I'm not new, but by all means I'm no vet in the game (rank 6)

I'm really looking for folks to play with to have fun and I can get better gear and not have to do future events alone. Also I don't mind helping out newer players either

Hope you don't mind having me :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was wondering if you are still accepting players, or even if I can still apply here XD

I've been playing warframe for a few months, the casual type

Not really into using my mic, I prefer being the quite one relying on jumping to get attention...

I'm somewhat active and I'm willing to supply stuff and help out other players.

Hope I can join the clan! :D

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